
Tony Daniel


 Romano Molenaar & Pere Perez


Black Mask returns!

Detective Comics Annual #1, allows Tony Daniel’s Black Mask. Previously, it was Dr. Arkham. Now Roman Sionis is under the Black Mask. It has it’s weak points but it was a damn good way for Daniel to close his chapter with Batman. Again, this is an issue where Batman isn’t focused upon much. Here the main focus is Sionis.

The first year of the New 52 had introduced to us some new villains. I was pleased to see some familiar faces in this Annual issue. We see the return of The False Face Society and also Tweedledum, Tweedledee, their boss- Mad Hatter and also Clayface. This issue had it negatives to0- much of the lines seemed silly and the final action sequence was also a bit silly. The New 52 was started to appeal to newer audiences, but here, Daniel had brought up old plot points. This is an issue, which would appeal to the much older audiences and give them a feeling pf nostalgia while reading. I also felt that this version of black mask is reminiscent of the old version with the hypnotic powers and all.

As I mentioned before, the dialogue was unintentionally silly at times. But the artwork od Romano and Pere was good. You can see the differences in the styles. Pere has a more straightforward approach while Romano has a more loose and free style. This issue doesn’t bring any new changes in the Bat-Universe. Hopefully, the next year for Detective comics would be much better that the previous.

Final Verdict:
