Archives for posts with tag: Batman


Gregg Hurwitz



David Finch


Issue 13 returns to the Scarecrow story. Gregg Hurwitz has done a good job with the scarecrow story, though it’s the same old story told in a different way. Hurwitz, has centered this book around Scarecrow. The Scarecrow is a more horrific character here. Hurwotz has done a great job with the comic..

The art was also wonderful. Finch’s art matched the tone of the book. He made the Scarecrow look scary in this issue. He has shown horror in all the pages of this book. But at one point the art got a little boring. Anyway the book was good enough.

Final Verdict:


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Scott Snyder


Greg Capullo


HE’S BACK!!!!!!!

This has been the most awaited issue in all of new 52. This would mark the return of Batman’s archenemy, Joker. The issue starts with Commissioner Gordon talking outside. Once he returns to the Police building, the lights go out. When they come back, he sees a strange and mysterious figure lurking around. We can see the horror on Gordon’s face as he recognizes his visitor. (It’s the Joker).

The lights go out again and the joker starts taunting Jim and then goes on to kill the other police officers. He uses one of their guns to do this. This whole scene is scary and creepy. We don’t actually see him throughout the scene. He only speaks. he gives us the ‘unknown threat’ feel. Batman arrives at the scene to find Jim, traumatized by the Joker.

Once Batman returns to the Batcave, he gets calls form Nightwing and Batgirl, regarding the Joker. Alfred is clearly worried about Bruce and the re-emergence of Joker. Then Joker threatens to kill Mayor Hady. Once Batman is at the scene, they figure out that the Mayor Hady wasn’t the target. It was actually the people surrounding him.

Batman then follows a lead to an abandoned warehouse. The Joker is more devious than ever. He is secretive and gets others to do his bidding. He keeps himself hidden and maintains the mysterious feel of the book. In the end, we see the Joker in the Wayne Manor and he attacks Alfred Pennyworth. The supplemental comic at the end was also fun to read. It shows Joker and how he deals with Harley Quinn.

Scott Snyder’s story shines in this issue. There’s not much to hate. This is one of the best Batman books I’ve read. The artwork was just amazing. The cover art too was mind blowing!

Final Verdict:



Gregg Hurwitz


 Mico Suayan & Juan Jose Ryp


Hey! Did anyone know that Joe Chill killed Bruce Wayne’s parents? What! You already knew that? It has already been discussed in the Court of Owls arc? Why this issue was published you ask? Well, Sir/Ma’am I haven’t slightest idea.

Shame on you DC! Shame on you!

This comic has the same story, which has been told to us at least a million times.  If you’ve seen the movies, you’ve read the some of the Batman Books, then ignore this issue and move on to something like Marvel’s Winter Soldier or Captain Marvel! I’m very disappointed with Gregg Hurwitz, he is a very good writer who has given us some awesome issues, but this is not one of ’em.

While reading, I realized that there was a change in the art style; it was almost like reading another comic. I was wondering how this happened and then I turned to the cover and realized that there are two different writers for this! They have completely different styles and they do not mesh together!  Both of them are great artists but only one should have done the artwork.  So, I didn’t like this issue much. It was a real low for the Batman series.

Final Verdict:




Tony Daniel


 Romano Molenaar & Pere Perez


Black Mask returns!

Detective Comics Annual #1, allows Tony Daniel’s Black Mask. Previously, it was Dr. Arkham. Now Roman Sionis is under the Black Mask. It has it’s weak points but it was a damn good way for Daniel to close his chapter with Batman. Again, this is an issue where Batman isn’t focused upon much. Here the main focus is Sionis.

The first year of the New 52 had introduced to us some new villains. I was pleased to see some familiar faces in this Annual issue. We see the return of The False Face Society and also Tweedledum, Tweedledee, their boss- Mad Hatter and also Clayface. This issue had it negatives to0- much of the lines seemed silly and the final action sequence was also a bit silly. The New 52 was started to appeal to newer audiences, but here, Daniel had brought up old plot points. This is an issue, which would appeal to the much older audiences and give them a feeling pf nostalgia while reading. I also felt that this version of black mask is reminiscent of the old version with the hypnotic powers and all.

As I mentioned before, the dialogue was unintentionally silly at times. But the artwork od Romano and Pere was good. You can see the differences in the styles. Pere has a more straightforward approach while Romano has a more loose and free style. This issue doesn’t bring any new changes in the Bat-Universe. Hopefully, the next year for Detective comics would be much better that the previous.

Final Verdict:




Scott Snyder


Becky Cloonan & Andy Clarke


This is the first issue after the end of “The Court of Owls” story- arc. It is an awesome issue. We meet Harper Row, who had previously helped Batman in the sewers in Issue #3. We get to see an outsiders view in to Gotham. We also get an outsiders view of Bruce and Batman. Harper’s Point of view was interesting. She is smart and it won’t take her long before she figures out the Bruce and Batman are the same person.

It was interesting to see that Batman is so committed to fighting crime. Harper reminds me of Lisbeth Salander minus the tattoos. We know that this takes place during the events of the court of owls. This is like an interlude to fill us on the details of what else happened during the Court Of Owls time. This just makes us ready for Jokers’ return in Issue #13.  I believe that this is the first issue featuring the artist Becky Cloonan. She has done an awesome job with drawing the characters. It was wonderful to see such a clean image yet showing us the grime of Gotham

All in all this was a very good issue, though not completely Batman oriented..

Final Verdict:


Selina: You don’t owe Gotham anymore. You’ve given them everything.

Bruce: Not everything. Not yet!




Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan, Charles RovenEmma Thomas

Screenplay by- 

Christopher Nolan
Jonathan Nolan


Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman

Tom Hardy as Bane

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle

Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth

Gary Oldman as James Gordon

Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake


Hans Zimmer

Based on characters created by Bob Kane and Batman Comics by DC


Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham’s finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.


Christopher Nolan’s Bat-trilogy ends with a bang. Literally. I’ll try and make this as spoiler free as possible. As you all know, that The Dark Knight is THE most anticipated movie of the year! To prepare for this I re-watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Let me just say that Nolan is a genius. And I’d be lying if i said the movie was good. I’d also be lying if I said the movie was awesome. The truth is that the movie was a masterpiece. This is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are quite boring. But after that the whole pace of the movie changes. It becomes more fast and action packed. The first 20 minutes are slow and un interesting. Do I really have to say Christian Bale acted awesomely? The version of Batman brought to us by Nolan and Bale, shows us the darker side of Gotham and Batman. We see the people of Gotham hating Batman for killing their hero, and Gordon wants to tell the truth to the people but he can’t. The story of the movie, was based ‘Knightfall’ series. Where bane breaks Batman’s back. Here, Bane breaks Batman’s back and takes him to the hell on earth, where he learns the true nature of Bane and who he actually is.

The story is well constructed and the actors have acted exceptionally well. The chemistry between Batman and Catwoman is missed but the little we see is awesome. The background score, as i mentioned in the review of the OST, is amazing, and supports the scenes nicely. Hanz Zimmer, like Nolan, is also a genius when it comes to composing the background scores for movies. In the Indian version, one cut has been made. The scene, which has been cut out, is the one where Alfred says that he Promised his parents to protect Bruce….

I watched the trailer so many times that I’ve memorized some of the dialogues and quoted them during the movie. Towards the end where Batman sets the building on fire revealing the Bat-Symbol, was my favorite scene. I almost cried at the end. I managed to hold back my tears when the movie got over. Once the movie got over, the audience met it with standing ovation. The end scenes were also among the best in the movie.

A wonderful movie. I’d be happy to watch it a few times more.


Final Verdict:




Bane: When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die.


Crowd: [chanting] Deh-Shay, Deh-Shay, Bah Sah Rah. Bah Sah Rah.
Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?
Prisoner: “Rise.”


Selina Kyle: [to Bruce Wayne] You think this can last? There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.


Roland Daggett: What are you?
Bane: I’m Gotham’s reckoning.

This would be my first and (probably) only Review for a soundtrack of a movie. And what a movie I start out with- The Dark Knight Rises. The OST was released on July 10th. And after hearing all the tracks 3-4 times, I’m reviewing it. So here it goes:

I’m going to do this track by track:

1. A Storm is Coming: This had a bit ominous tone to it with the drums and everything. This was an awesome opening to the OST.

2. On thin Ice: The second track of this probably indicates the structure of the film. Since this wasn’t included in the prologue, so it would be a logical guess that there is another scene before the action-filled prologue.

3. Gotham’s Reckoning: I’ve been waiting to her this track! Nolan had asked fans to record some lines and send it to him. Now we finally see the finished product. THis is a fast paced track. WHile listening to this, I can only imagine this being the first encounter between Batman and Bane. I’d only know after I see the movie.

4. Mind If I Cut In: This is slightly slower as compared to the pumped up tune of the previous one. This has staccato notes form the pian. This would most probably be the scene where Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne are dancing at the masquerade.

5. Underground Army: This has a more electronic feel to it. This reminds me of Tron OST. By the title we can assume this is the scen where Bane is gathering his army.

6. Born In Darkness:  This has some Indian tunes mixed with some darker tunes which remind me of the previous Batman movies.

7. The Fire Rises: This continues from Track no. 4 ‘Gotham’s Reckoning’ where we hear the chants again.

8. Nothing Out There:  The tracks till now have been more somber. This track reminds me of the Rachel death seen from the last one.

9. Despair: This is my favorite one by far as it has the tune from the Trailers. I actually made this my ringtone 🙂 . As the name suggest, something bad happens when this music plays.

10. Fear Will Find You:  This track makes us feel the suspense even though we don’t know whats happening.

11. Why Do We Fall: The title and the track all makes me wonder, what is happening in this scene???

12. Death By Exile: This is the music which (most definitely) plays during the scene, when Bane takes over Gotham.

13. Imagine The Fire: WHAT AN AWESOME TRACK! the length suggests that this would be the best scene on the movie that is the war on the streets of Gotham.

14. Necessary Evil:  The music is so eerie. After listening to this, you’d really want to know what happens in this scene

 15. Rise: WHAT AN EPIC CONCLUSION!!!!! You can almost her Bruce saying- ‘Not everything, not yet.’  This is the scene, which I’ve been dreading for the past year. This is the end. I’d probably be crying through this scene not wanting the movie to end!!!!

This is the awesomest soundtrack I’ve heard.. I’m eagerly awaiting this movie!!! This is THE movie of the year!



 Gregg Hurwitz


David Finch


Batman is by far the coolest Superhero in DC. Batman is such a cool character. He doesn’t have any particular super power but still he fights evil in Gotham. He also has the coolest gadgets and such a cool suit. Batman The Dark Knight #10 is a good issue. The story introduces us to The Boogeyman or The Hollow Man. The character reminds me of The Scarecrow. He too uses some kind of smoke to cause hallucinations. The new writer Gregg Hurwitz has written the dialogues awesomely.

It isn’t the best batman book on the stands. It could have been made better. But it still is awesome! The new villain is scary and the feel is like a classic comic. Now WHERE IS GORDON?! He was smoked by the boogeyman and then he saw hallucinations of his daughter.

Final Verdict:




Scott Snyder


Greg Capullo


When DC re-booted their ’52’ series and called it ‘The New 52‘, I was sure that DC was making a huge mistake. After reading the all the 10 issues of Batman, I realized that I couldn’t be more wrong!  The whole ‘Court of Owls’ story-arc is such a wonderful concept. Snyder who had done a wonderful job with the American Vampire mini-series, has shown that he can do better than that. This ws such an explosive issue, with some striking revelations and some awesome fight scenes. Batman, as most of you may feel, is the best DC super-hero. And lets face, Superman is just a stupid alien! I could go on and on about why superman sucks and I could go on and on about why Batman is awesome!!

The scenes were awesomely portrayed, which adds to the intensity of the plot. This series is like a psychological thriller, which just gets better with every issue. This issue answers many questions about the court of owls. And the last few pages were so awesomely awesome!. I have no words to describe how awesome it was!

Final Verdict:


This is a collection of news from 28th May to 3rd June.

Movies News:

Ridley Scott wants Harrison ford for Blade Runner 2.

The third trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter:

Men in Black over takes The Avengers during memorial day weekend.

Rock of Ages gets a 12A rating and runs for 123 mins.

Michael Dorn is not appearing in the Star Trek Sequel.

Mrs. Browns Boys movie is confirmed.

Christian Bale is open to making another Batman movie.

The Tom Cruise movie One Shot, has been renamed to Jack Reacher.

First Trailer for Starship Trooper: Invasion:

First trailer for Les Miserables which shows the cast singing:

Some news for Thor 2:

“We’re going to see the other side of Asgard. It’s not all polished and golden in this film”, Feige revealed. “And the events of Avengers will have affected Thor for sure. His relationship with Loki will continue to evolve, and the biggest part is Natalie Portman, and Thor returning with Jane Foster.”

Mads Mikkelsen has been cast as the villain, but who will that villain be? There had been some speculation as to whether it would be Thanos, but Feige ruled that idea out.  “No, future, future”, he replied. “But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist…”

Robert Pattison is definitely not playing Finnick Odair in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  But Taylor Kitsch, Armie Hammer and Garret Hedlund are on the list.

Zac Effron, Jason Bateman, Goldie Hawn and Leslie Mann  join ‘This is where I leave you’ movie.

Trailer for Lay the Favorite:

Gillian Anderson joins Sci-fi film ”I’ll Follow You Down’

Simon Pegg says that Star Trek Villain isn’t Khan.

TV Promo for The Dark Knight Rises:

All new posters and banners for The Dark Knight Rises and Resident Evil: Retribution :

Trailer for Cannes top prize winner ‘Amour’:

Sir Ben Kingsley, is definitely playing The Mandarin in Iron Man 3. He is working in conjunction with Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) AKA Extremis. They are just a veiled threat. The main villains are Cold Blood ( James Bade Dale) and Firepower ( Ashley Hamilton).

Haunting Motion poster for Sinister:

Trailer for Red Lights:

Independence Day is getting a 3D re-release next summer.

New trailer for The Bourne Legacy:

The release date for X-Men: First Class sequel has been confirmed as July 18th 2014.

Steven Speilberg’s Robopocalypse which is based on the book by Daniel H. Wilson has been delayed for a year. It’s orignal air date was July 3rd 2013 but now, it is April 25th 2014.

Release date for Dawn of The Planet of The Apes  has been confirmed as May 23rd 2014.

Trailer for Sci-fi film Branded:

Fan poster for Django Unchained:

Mireille Enos cast in to Devil Knot.

Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro set to fil Grudge Match in 2013.

George Luucas to retire from mainstream film making to make hobby movies.

Friars Club to honor Tom Cruise with Entertainment Icon Award.

Matthew Vaughn will direct the thriller Lexicon

Japanese director Kaneto Shindo dies at 100.

Gillian Anderson joins Haley Osmet, Rufus Sewell and Victor Garber in Richie Meheta’s ‘I’ll Follow You Down’.

Gary Oldman and Dominic Monaghan join Monster Butler.

Iron Patriot Armor to appear in Iron Man 3. But the person who wears is still unknown.

David Hasselhoff wants to star in Gone with the Wind remake with Rachel Wiez.

World War Z is set for 7 weeks of re shooting scenes.

Trailer for The Babymakers starring Olivia Munn and Paul Schneider:

TV News:

Dirk Gently has been cancelled by BBC.

Game of Thrones Season 2 will get an extended finale.

Chris North is going to narrate ID Series I didn’t do it.

Anthony Bourdain leaves Travel Channel for a CNN deal.

Tv series based on Norwegian crime novels by Annie Holt is in development.

Cougar town gets a new show runner: Nic Swartzlander.

Trailer for True Blood Season 5:

New Characters cast into Season 3 of Game of Thrones:

Mance Ray­der: We’ve heard about him all sea­son. A for­mer mem­ber of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.

Daario Naharis: A con­fi­dent and seduc­tive war­rior.

Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage broth­er and sis­ter duo with spe­cial insights.

Edmure Tully: A brash young mem­ber of the Tully fam­i­ly and brothor of Catelyn Stark.

Ser Bryn­den Tully (The Black­fish): Cate­lyn Stark’s uncle.

Lady Sel­yse Flo­rent: Stan­nis Baratheon’s wife.

Shireen: Stan­nis’ daugh­ter.

Olen­na Red­wyne (The Queen of Thorns): Mar­gaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grand­moth­er.

Beric Don­dar­rion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the out­law group Broth­er­hood With­out Ban­ners.

Thoros of Myr: A red priest who fol­lows the same reli­gion as Melisan­dre.

Tor­mund Giants­bane: A Wildling raider.

Nurse Jackie has been renewed for a fifth season with new show runner .

Arsenio Hall in talk for new Daytime Talk Show.

Kate Walsh might depart from Private Practice if the 6th season continues beyond 13 episodes. While Tim Daly is leaving Private Practice.

Will Calhoun is Whitney as new show runner.

55th Annual Grammy awards will be held on 10th Feb 2013 at the Staples Center.

Oprah Winfrey revives ‘Oprah’s Book Club’ with new digital aspects.

Andy Samberg confirms that he is leaving ‘Saturday Night Live’.

Catherine Tate set to return to ‘The Office’ as series regular.

Venessa Redgrave to greatt star on USA’s ‘Political Animals’.

David Lindelof to return to small screen with 3-year deal with Warner Bros.

New on Galactica:

Movie Review: Rowdy Rathore.

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman.

TV Show Review: Game of Thrones S02E09.

Science Fiction: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.