Selina: You don’t owe Gotham anymore. You’ve given them everything.

Bruce: Not everything. Not yet!




Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan, Charles RovenEmma Thomas

Screenplay by- 

Christopher Nolan
Jonathan Nolan


Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman

Tom Hardy as Bane

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle

Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth

Gary Oldman as James Gordon

Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake


Hans Zimmer

Based on characters created by Bob Kane and Batman Comics by DC


Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham’s finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.


Christopher Nolan’s Bat-trilogy ends with a bang. Literally. I’ll try and make this as spoiler free as possible. As you all know, that The Dark Knight is THE most anticipated movie of the year! To prepare for this I re-watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Let me just say that Nolan is a genius. And I’d be lying if i said the movie was good. I’d also be lying if I said the movie was awesome. The truth is that the movie was a masterpiece. This is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are quite boring. But after that the whole pace of the movie changes. It becomes more fast and action packed. The first 20 minutes are slow and un interesting. Do I really have to say Christian Bale acted awesomely? The version of Batman brought to us by Nolan and Bale, shows us the darker side of Gotham and Batman. We see the people of Gotham hating Batman for killing their hero, and Gordon wants to tell the truth to the people but he can’t. The story of the movie, was based ‘Knightfall’ series. Where bane breaks Batman’s back. Here, Bane breaks Batman’s back and takes him to the hell on earth, where he learns the true nature of Bane and who he actually is.

The story is well constructed and the actors have acted exceptionally well. The chemistry between Batman and Catwoman is missed but the little we see is awesome. The background score, as i mentioned in the review of the OST, is amazing, and supports the scenes nicely. Hanz Zimmer, like Nolan, is also a genius when it comes to composing the background scores for movies. In the Indian version, one cut has been made. The scene, which has been cut out, is the one where Alfred says that he Promised his parents to protect Bruce….

I watched the trailer so many times that I’ve memorized some of the dialogues and quoted them during the movie. Towards the end where Batman sets the building on fire revealing the Bat-Symbol, was my favorite scene. I almost cried at the end. I managed to hold back my tears when the movie got over. Once the movie got over, the audience met it with standing ovation. The end scenes were also among the best in the movie.

A wonderful movie. I’d be happy to watch it a few times more.


Final Verdict:




Bane: When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die.


Crowd: [chanting] Deh-Shay, Deh-Shay, Bah Sah Rah. Bah Sah Rah.
Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?
Prisoner: “Rise.”


Selina Kyle: [to Bruce Wayne] You think this can last? There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.


Roland Daggett: What are you?
Bane: I’m Gotham’s reckoning.