Archives for posts with tag: David Finch


Gregg Hurwitz



David Finch


Issue 13 returns to the Scarecrow story. Gregg Hurwitz has done a good job with the scarecrow story, though it’s the same old story told in a different way. Hurwitz, has centered this book around Scarecrow. The Scarecrow is a more horrific character here. Hurwotz has done a great job with the comic..

The art was also wonderful. Finch’s art matched the tone of the book. He made the Scarecrow look scary in this issue. He has shown horror in all the pages of this book. But at one point the art got a little boring. Anyway the book was good enough.

Final Verdict:



 Gregg Hurwitz


David Finch


Batman is by far the coolest Superhero in DC. Batman is such a cool character. He doesn’t have any particular super power but still he fights evil in Gotham. He also has the coolest gadgets and such a cool suit. Batman The Dark Knight #10 is a good issue. The story introduces us to The Boogeyman or The Hollow Man. The character reminds me of The Scarecrow. He too uses some kind of smoke to cause hallucinations. The new writer Gregg Hurwitz has written the dialogues awesomely.

It isn’t the best batman book on the stands. It could have been made better. But it still is awesome! The new villain is scary and the feel is like a classic comic. Now WHERE IS GORDON?! He was smoked by the boogeyman and then he saw hallucinations of his daughter.

Final Verdict:
