Archives for category: Superhero

Selina: You don’t owe Gotham anymore. You’ve given them everything.

Bruce: Not everything. Not yet!




Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan, Charles RovenEmma Thomas

Screenplay by- 

Christopher Nolan
Jonathan Nolan


Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman

Tom Hardy as Bane

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle

Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth

Gary Oldman as James Gordon

Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake


Hans Zimmer

Based on characters created by Bob Kane and Batman Comics by DC


Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham’s finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.


Christopher Nolan’s Bat-trilogy ends with a bang. Literally. I’ll try and make this as spoiler free as possible. As you all know, that The Dark Knight is THE most anticipated movie of the year! To prepare for this I re-watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Let me just say that Nolan is a genius. And I’d be lying if i said the movie was good. I’d also be lying if I said the movie was awesome. The truth is that the movie was a masterpiece. This is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are quite boring. But after that the whole pace of the movie changes. It becomes more fast and action packed. The first 20 minutes are slow and un interesting. Do I really have to say Christian Bale acted awesomely? The version of Batman brought to us by Nolan and Bale, shows us the darker side of Gotham and Batman. We see the people of Gotham hating Batman for killing their hero, and Gordon wants to tell the truth to the people but he can’t. The story of the movie, was based ‘Knightfall’ series. Where bane breaks Batman’s back. Here, Bane breaks Batman’s back and takes him to the hell on earth, where he learns the true nature of Bane and who he actually is.

The story is well constructed and the actors have acted exceptionally well. The chemistry between Batman and Catwoman is missed but the little we see is awesome. The background score, as i mentioned in the review of the OST, is amazing, and supports the scenes nicely. Hanz Zimmer, like Nolan, is also a genius when it comes to composing the background scores for movies. In the Indian version, one cut has been made. The scene, which has been cut out, is the one where Alfred says that he Promised his parents to protect Bruce….

I watched the trailer so many times that I’ve memorized some of the dialogues and quoted them during the movie. Towards the end where Batman sets the building on fire revealing the Bat-Symbol, was my favorite scene. I almost cried at the end. I managed to hold back my tears when the movie got over. Once the movie got over, the audience met it with standing ovation. The end scenes were also among the best in the movie.

A wonderful movie. I’d be happy to watch it a few times more.


Final Verdict:




Bane: When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die.


Crowd: [chanting] Deh-Shay, Deh-Shay, Bah Sah Rah. Bah Sah Rah.
Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?
Prisoner: “Rise.”


Selina Kyle: [to Bruce Wayne] You think this can last? There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.


Roland Daggett: What are you?
Bane: I’m Gotham’s reckoning.


Marc Webb


Avi AradLaura Ziskin, Matt Tolmach


Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard

Denis Leary as Captain George Stacy

Martin Sheen as Ben Parker

Sally Field as May Parker

And  Stan Lee has his cameo appearance!



James Horner

Based on The Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko


Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father’s former partner.


Let me start by saying that the new spider-man was truly amazing. And who better to direct the reboot of the spidey series that Marc WEBB. A spider-man movie being directed by a person with last name Webb! The story was great. It was a slightly darker take on the spider-man story. In this, we get to see Peter’s parents. Which was missed in the Tobey Maguire one.

The movie starts off with Peter being left by his parents with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Through out the movie, there is a question looming- Why did they leave? And after the end we have another question looming– Who are Richard and Mary Parker. But of course those who read the comics and know the fictional history of spider man, know the answer to that question. They were recruited by Nick Fury to be in the C.I.A.

The bad part in the movie was that, Uncle Ben never said ‘With great power, there must also come great responsibility’ (Amazing Fantasy #15). And the way he dies was also completely different. In the comics, he dies due to a burglar in their house. And he dies in the hands of his wife. But in this he dies due to a thief from the department store. The movie had a lot to like. The acting, Emma Stone, the story and the absence of Tobey Maguire. Tobey, throughout his role as Peter Parker, he looked as if he was going to cry any second. The other thing I liked about this film was that Peter Parker didn’t just suddenly become Spider-man. It took him half the movie to do so. That was an awesome decision. They got a chance to explore Peter Parker in general before going into Spider-man. But sadly the suit wasn’t too good looking. On the bright side, The Lizard looked awesome! He had that scariness, which was missed in the other movies. I didn’t understand Irfan Khan’s role in the movie, and what happened to him after the bridge incident? Did he just disappear in thin air?

The end of the movie was awesome and the actions scenes were nicely directed. We actually see that Spider-Man requires the help of the common people. He is still grounded. He doesn’t think of him self as greater than others. And we see that he is not bullet proof either. All in all the movie was great. I had fun watching it. It was so much better than the Sam Raimi ones.

But sadly we all know that Gwen Stacy dies at the hands of the Green Goblin. The good thing abou this movie was that they started with the first villain in the series i.e. Lizard.


Final  Verdict:


Nick Fury: [narrating] And there came a day, a day unlike any other… when Earth’s mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat… to fight the foes no single superhero could withstand… on that day, The Avengers were born.


Joss Whedon


Kevin Feige


Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America

Mark Ruffalo as Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk

Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye

Tom Hiddleston as Loki

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill

Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson

Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig

Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts

Paul Bettany as the voice of JARVIS

And a cameo by Stan Lee.


Alan Silvestri

Based on “The Avengers” by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby


Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency is a who’s who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team will need all their powers to save the world from disaster.


Almost half a century after the debut of the comic book series which had the best ensemble of superheros, arrives this wonderfully made movie by Joss Whedon. The movie super fun and entertaining in every aspect. Of the many things you can say about this movie, one thing is most fitting: Best. Superhero. Movie. Ever.

Joss Whedon, took the comic books and made it his own, by adding his trademark humor, drama and smartness. The seven lead actors assisted by great supporting actors and with Whedon’s direction, is what made it such a great movie. The acting was just too good. Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man was as awesome as ever, and I especially liked Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk. Black Widow finally made her mark in this movie. In Iron Man 2 I felt that she was out of place. And Jeremy Renner manages to make a bow and his expert marksmanship look cool infront of Thor’s Mjolnir, and Tony’s Iron Man Suit.

The dialogue  of the movie is quote-able. There are many scenes in the movie which is liked particularly. Like the scene where Hulk beats the crap out of Loki and all the scenes with Iron Man.

This movie is also the first where they show the superheros fighting against each other. The scene where Black Widow is nearly killed by Hulk when Bruce first transforms is also awesome. The scens to follow were just mind blowing. The 3D in the movie was also not a waste like most movies these days.

The Best scene is when all The Avengers come together toward the end and kicks some alien @$$.

Final Verdict:

Epic movie. 9/10


Thor: He’s my brother
Natasha Romanoff: He killed 80 people in 2 days
Thor: …He’s adopted

Loki: [Hulk and Loki fighting. Everything stops] I am a God! I am not going to be bullied by a –
[Hulk grabs him by the legs and throws him around]

There is no Spoiler free or filled review as there is nothing to spoil.


R- Rubbish
A- Atrocious
O- Outrageous
N- Nonsensical
E- Excruciating

This so-called movie is a compilation of many good movies to make a horrific and nauseating experience. This has no apparent storyline and the characters from the game just come in to the real world automatically. The movie doesn’t even explain how this happens.

This game is developed by a tamillian Shekar Subramanian (SRK), who is a game developer for Barron Industries. He makes this game for his son Prateek (A.K.A Lucifer). His son is addicted to games and tells his father that Heroes are boring but villans are kick-ass. Thus Shekar develops a game in which the villain is stronger than the hero and is invincible. They are powered by H.A.R.Ts. While they are wearing it the can be killed. But when they remove it the cannot die. even if they destroy the H.A.R.T.

While trying out the game one of the developers, Akashi,  has some strange experience. Later Prateek wants to try out the game and reaches the 2nd level, where no one has reached. And when he shuts down the game Ra.One says “Lucifer will die”. After that he comes out of the game kills Akashi, changes his look to make him self look like Akashi. then Shekar is killed by Ra.One, and the family mourns. Later Prateek realizes that his father was killed by Ra.One, who has come out of the game in to the real world. He then meets up with Shekars colleague and tries to get G.One, who id the hero,  to the real world. by that time Ra.One tracks Lucifer and follows him and his mother in the car. they are eventually saved by G.One who looks like Shekar. G.One destroys Ra.One in a nuclear plant and takes his H.A.R.T.

G.One and Akashi and his mother all go to India where  they all go to Shekars old house and live there. G.One helps them with their activities. Ra.One follows  them kidnaps the kid and says he will return the kid for his H.A.R.T. G.One gives the H.A.R.T back and then fights Ra and eventually kills him. After killing him he absorbs Ra and he himself disintegrates, leaving only his H.A.R.T. Prateek tries to revive the H.A.R.T and does so.  The movies end with the scene of the the re-formation of G.One. And thus leaving an opportunity for a terrible sequel.

This movie was highly racist and the director should be flogged for racism. He shows Shekar as a tamillian who eats Spaghetti with curd using his fingers. I mean, who eats like that. No tamillian in their right mind would do such a thing.

Then during a car chase, the car driven by Prateeks mom hits many cars, and runs over dividers and many things, but the front part of the car is not damaged.

The only good part of the movie was the trailer for Don 2 in 3D


Saw Captain America 3D. Wasn’t soo good. Got many Facts wrong.

1) In a movie about Captain America, villain’s name is not mentioned even once i.e Red Skull.

2) Disappointed. And NICK FURY IS WHITE IN THE AVENGERS!!!!!! just saying.

3) The main story arc leading to Joss Whedon’s The Avengers was completely missed the movie never gave us the visual that most Marvel fanboys were expecting:A shot of Captain America trapped in ice. We saw his Vibranium shield excavated from the Skull’s snow-filled bomber – but no body. All we got was a long beat of black screen between Cap’s crash in the Arctic and NYC wake-up.

So here’s a hypothesis: What if Captain America did not remain a human popsicle for 70 years? What if he was discovered by Howard Stark (Iron Man’s dad, played by Dominic Cooper) and continued to fight for his country and romance his true love Peggy Carter (played by Hayley Atwell) well into the Cold War? What if future yarns reveal that Cap was placed into cryogenic sleep in some other sci-fi way… or that modern-day, Avengers-era Cap isn’t the “real” Cap, but a clone, one that’s been given the persona and memories of WWII-era Cap? While the last line of the movie would seem to subvert this speculation, with Steve bemoaning his missed date with Peggy, I wonder if we were being set up for what will become a recurring gag in the next Captain America tale, with Steve always missing dates with his Peggy because of his super-secret super-soldier wetwork.
