This would be my first and (probably) only Review for a soundtrack of a movie. And what a movie I start out with- The Dark Knight Rises. The OST was released on July 10th. And after hearing all the tracks 3-4 times, I’m reviewing it. So here it goes:

I’m going to do this track by track:

1. A Storm is Coming: This had a bit ominous tone to it with the drums and everything. This was an awesome opening to the OST.

2. On thin Ice: The second track of this probably indicates the structure of the film. Since this wasn’t included in the prologue, so it would be a logical guess that there is another scene before the action-filled prologue.

3. Gotham’s Reckoning: I’ve been waiting to her this track! Nolan had asked fans to record some lines and send it to him. Now we finally see the finished product. THis is a fast paced track. WHile listening to this, I can only imagine this being the first encounter between Batman and Bane. I’d only know after I see the movie.

4. Mind If I Cut In: This is slightly slower as compared to the pumped up tune of the previous one. This has staccato notes form the pian. This would most probably be the scene where Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne are dancing at the masquerade.

5. Underground Army: This has a more electronic feel to it. This reminds me of Tron OST. By the title we can assume this is the scen where Bane is gathering his army.

6. Born In Darkness:  This has some Indian tunes mixed with some darker tunes which remind me of the previous Batman movies.

7. The Fire Rises: This continues from Track no. 4 ‘Gotham’s Reckoning’ where we hear the chants again.

8. Nothing Out There:  The tracks till now have been more somber. This track reminds me of the Rachel death seen from the last one.

9. Despair: This is my favorite one by far as it has the tune from the Trailers. I actually made this my ringtone 🙂 . As the name suggest, something bad happens when this music plays.

10. Fear Will Find You:  This track makes us feel the suspense even though we don’t know whats happening.

11. Why Do We Fall: The title and the track all makes me wonder, what is happening in this scene???

12. Death By Exile: This is the music which (most definitely) plays during the scene, when Bane takes over Gotham.

13. Imagine The Fire: WHAT AN AWESOME TRACK! the length suggests that this would be the best scene on the movie that is the war on the streets of Gotham.

14. Necessary Evil:  The music is so eerie. After listening to this, you’d really want to know what happens in this scene

 15. Rise: WHAT AN EPIC CONCLUSION!!!!! You can almost her Bruce saying- ‘Not everything, not yet.’  This is the scene, which I’ve been dreading for the past year. This is the end. I’d probably be crying through this scene not wanting the movie to end!!!!

This is the awesomest soundtrack I’ve heard.. I’m eagerly awaiting this movie!!! This is THE movie of the year!