Archives for posts with tag: World of A Song of Ice and Fire

Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 10 “Valar Morghulis”

Contains Spoilers!


Alan Taylor


David Benioff & D. B. Weiss


Jaquen gives Arya a gift. Tyrion deals with the aftermath of the Battle at Blackwater Bay. Robb breaks his vow. Dany enters the house of the Undying Ones.


What a season finale?!?!?! It’s one of the best I’ve seen.

First of all Dany enters the house of the undying ones, where she finds her dragons and burns Pyat Pree. And Who dosen’t like seeing a Warlock being burned? The House of the Undying Ones looked marvelous and enigmatic. The scene where she sees the court of Kings Landing destroyed and covered with snow was beautiful. Her scene was the best of er parts in this episode. The reunion with Khal Drogo and Rheagar was awesome. The best part of that scene was when Khal Drogo said “Maybe I told the Great Stallion to go f**k himself and come back here to wait for you”. This scene reminds us of how much Dany has changed since Drogo had died and How much she loved him. She also shows that she does not bear traitors and locks Xaro and Doreah in to the empt vault. And then they steal all the gold and jewels from Qarth.

Arya, Hot Pie and Gendry finally escape from Harrenhal and Jaquen H’gar gives her he old coin and tells her to give this coin to any Bravossi sailor and say the words ‘Valar Morghulis’. And then he suddenly changes his face! He says Jaquen is dead. That was also an awesome scene. Jamie and Brienne’s scene in this episode was unexpected but awesome. They encounter northmen and Brienne beats the crap out of them.

Theon (second most despicable d-bag), gets what he deserves, a whack on the head after his speech was over. Even after that he was humiliated. His 20 soldiers carry him off and one of them pokes a spear through Maester Luwin. Bran, Rickon, Hordor and Osha see the burnt Winterfell and escape.While escaping they see Maester Luwin, dying. This was an emotional scene and it was brought out well. He, tells Osha to show him mercy and kil him quickly.

Stannis and Melisandre hav a very intense scene where first he tries to kill her and then she shows him the pictures in the flames. Tyrion’s scene was also awesome. He has a discussion with Pod, Lord Varys and later Shae, where she removes his bandages and sees his scar. He also cries, this  was only the second scene where Tyrion shows that he really loves Shae. Sansa is now no longer Joffery’s would be wife. And Little Finger offer to take her out of King’s Landing for the sake of her mother.

Jon Snow is now no longer ‘crow’ but ‘The Man who killed Qhorin Halfhand’. Though, it was a short scene it was a good wrap up to the Jon story line. And lastly the Samwell scene , where they hear the 3 blasts and realize that the others (or White walkers) are coming. When I saw the White Walker, I was reminded of AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ as most of them looked like that. And the ZOMBIE HORSE!!!! With the leader of The White Walkers with that wrinkly face.. That scene was the most beautiful . The Leader, I think, showed mercy to Sam, when it saw him and ignored him.

‘Valar Morghulis’ is and awesome wrap up to all the story lines in this awesome season. Sadly I have to wait 10 months for the next season!

Final Verdict:



Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 9 “Blackwater”

Director: Neil Marshall

Writer: George R. R. Martin


Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis’ fleet attacks Blackwater Bay. King’s Landing becomes the stage of the most decisive battle of the War of the Five Kings.


WOW! ‘Blackwater’ is an amazingly written and directed episode. When the writer for the episode is same person who wrote the book on which the series is based on, what else would one expect. This episode has the fewest cast members. Only 10-11 out of 25. It features only- Tyrion, Joffery, Cersei, Sansa, Shae, Bronn, The Hound, Tywin, Varys, Stannis and Davos.

The battle scene was just amazing. It reminded me of Lord of the Rings’ Battle at Helms Deep, but on a toned down level. Tyrion showed leadership skills and bravery. When he said ‘Rain fire on them’ I was hoping they’d play Adele’s ‘Set Fire to the Rain’, but that would have ruined the feel of the episode. Coming back to the point, Tyrion delivered an encouraging speech to the soldiers.He said that if he was half a man, what does that make you. That was one of the funniest lines in the movie. And after they started shouting ‘Halfman! Halfman!’.

The first 20-30 mins of the episode, there isn’t any battle, theres nervousness and tension in the air. But that builds up to a great battle which looks pretty real, though the ships and the harbor is clearly CGI, it looks pretty real. The battle was also as I had expected it to look like. There were soldiers hacking of the enemies, slicing the head off, doing a nice Kill Bill slicing of the brain and bodies being cut in half. A Song of Ice and Fire contains over-the-top violent scenes and the violent scenes in this episode did justice to it.

Just when you think that all is lost for Tyrion and the gang, a mysterious man on a white horse rides up and saves everyone. And Tyrion gets slashed on his face with a sword. Cersei, shows some actual affection for her son and tries to console him. She also gets drunk on wine. Her chat with Sansa is also one of the best parts of the episode.

The above picture is of Bronn shooting the arrow of fire to blast the ships. This scene reminds me of Hawkeye from The Avengers.

And in the end, Tywin comes in and proclaims that they have won. This was an awesome penultimate episode. The end credits had a nice song playing which is from the book. It’s called “The Rains of Castamere” which is in the book and talk about Tyrion’s victory. I just with the series was 12-13 episodes instead of 10. But I believe that their budget would not allow it. And with such elaborate sets and costumes and the battle scenes, their budget has to be very large to support it.

Final Verdict:


Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 8 “The Prince of Winterfell”

Tyrion: I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you’ll know the debt is paid.


Alan Taylor


David Benioff & D. B. Weiss


Theon receives a visitor. Arya asks her third and last death from Jaqen. While Stannis’ army is reaching its destination, Davos is offered a reward.


This episode wasn’t the best episode of this season. It wasn’t all bad. But it wasn’t all good too. It was a basic episode just explaining the transition to the War at Blackwater. Though the episode wasn’t good, it was important. One major problem- Dany was there only for five minutes. She is the best female character and she isn’t in the episode.

The stories here feel a bit…um…incomplete. The Tyrion-Bronn scene was funny. But as much as I like Tyrion and his snarky comments, it doesn’t make this episode any better. I felt like they gave up some good scenes. At least we get to see some action between Lady Talisa and Robb. Also Robb arresting Cat for helping Jamie escape.

Now here’s the problem Cat letting Jamie escape happens only in the third book. She brings down the sword, but we know the reason for it only in the next book. Her instructions to Brienne to take Jamie to King’s landing to get her daughters back never happens. Also this happens at the Tully residence (If I remember right). And she offeres to go into house arrest for that. But when Robb returns, he understands for what she did such a thing. They do not bring up the topic of Lord Hoster Tully’s bad condition and him continuously saying the name “Tansy”.  But seriously WHO IS LADY TALISA???? I really want to know. And WHERE IS JEYENE??

Now to Jon Snow. At least we now see the ‘Lord of Bones’ wearing a cool skull as a mask. And Qhorin wants Jon to go undercover. Though this scene is very different that how it goes down on the book, this interpretation is also good. The scene with Tyrion and Cersei, where her thinks she has Shae, was nicely pulled off.  Tyrion’s character is so wonderfully brilliant that they actually found an Imp to play the role. It’s so diverse and un thought of that an imp can be so big (so to speak).

Arya and Tywin Lannister part ways. But the worst part is that he doesn’t say anything to her. Their chemistry is wonderful. She then uses her last wish in a very ingenious way. The name she says is, obviously, Jaqen. But he asks her for another name. She then says that, if she has to un-name him, he ha sto help her and her friends escape Harenhal. He at last agrees and they escape.

We, for once, see that Yara actually has some feelings for Theon. The scene with Dany and Jorah, having a discussion about weather, she should go to the House of The Undying Ones. She has some strong feeling for her ‘adopted’ children (the Dragons). But she was there only for five minutes or so. That really upset me.

And towards the end of the episode we see Theon trying to pay the farmer but, apparently all the loose ends have been tied up. And then Maester sees Osha. he goes to her and realises that the children hung up there aren’t Bran and Rickon. We then see the Maestor telling Osha not to tell Bran about the children. As then he’d blame himself for their deaths. That was a good end to this episode.

This episode was kind of a bridge episode. It set the stage, well.. kind of ..(You know what I mean), for the fight at Blackwater. Where things change . That’s a pivotal scene in the book series. Also as a warning, some characters who weren’t introduced in this scene, may coem in the third season. And the series is an adaptation of the whole saga and not only the second book. They didn’t want to make the second series a book-to-TV type of show. They wanted to put their own twists into it. Thus it’s better for the readers and non-readers both.

Here’s a preview for the next episode:

A Storm of Swords Part-2: Blood & Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire #3)




George R. R. Martin


Bantam Spectra (US) & Voyager Books(UK)

Date Published:

August 6th 2001


he Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud, and winter approaches like an angry beast. Beyond the Northern borders, wildlings leave their villages to gather in the ice and stone wasteland of the Frostfangs. From there, the renegade Brother Mance Rayder will lead them South towards the Wall. Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown in the Kingdom of the North, but his defences are ranged against attack from the South, the land of House Stark‘s enemies the Lannisters. His sisters are trapped there, dead or likely yet to die, at the whim of the Lannister boy-king Joffrey or his depraved mother Cersei, regent of the Iron Throne. And Daenerys Stormborn will return to the land of her birth to avenge the murder of her father, the last Dragon King on the Iron Throne.

A Storm of Swords (Part 1 & 2) is easily my favourite book in the series so far. Blood and Gold is such a wonderful book with unexpected and horrifying deaths of main characters. The book is superbly written and it’s hard to put it down.
I really hate cliff hangers. And this book has many. A cliff hanger is solved many chapters and pages after. For example, the Arya (11th Chapter) cliff hanger is solved only 13 chapters after, which would make it the 24th. 170 pages is a long wait! After that cliff hanger, I was sure she was dead. The same goes for another character, which I shan’t mention.
George RR Martin, has used the first book to develop the characters and the second to implement them. This has some good action sequences. I have the same problem with this part as I had with the previous one. There aren’t enough chapter of Daenerys! She is clearly the best female characters. She has only 3 chapters. Out of 40 chapters, she has only 3!!!
Any way it’s too late to change that now. Other wise the book is awesome! And the story is compelling.
Now only Feast for Crows and Dance of Dragons. And later the #6th book “The Winds of Winter” when it’s released.

This book was so AWESOME that I finished it in under a week!!

Heres my review for A Storm of Swords Part- 1: Steel & Snow.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 6“The Old Gods and The New”

Note: This contains Spoilers!


David Nutter


Vanessa Taylor

New Additions to the Cast:

Rose Leslie as Ygritte, The Wildling

Based on ” A Clash of KingsBook #2 in A Song of Ice and Fire series” by George R.R. Martin


Princess Myrcella is sent away from King’s Landing. Theon Greyjoy’s plans succeed. Robb and Catelyn receive important news. At the Fist of the First Men, the ranger Qhorin Halfhand gives Jon Snow the opportunity to prove his worth.


What an episode!! “The Old Gods and the New” is written by Venessa Taylor, the same person who wrote the awesomely disturbing and demented “Garden of Bones”. This episode has some disturbing scenes and some awesome kills.

I was surprised to see Theon taking Winterfell so soon. In the book it too long.I never did like Theon. And if they would have show his journey to Winter fell, it would have easily taken and episode or two, which would have caused a loss of time to tell the stories of the other people. This scene was a surprise to both, those who have read A Clash of Kings and those who haven’t.

Now, coming to Arya. She and Tywin make such a great couple. He seems to be trusting her with his stories. He also seems to enjoy her company and seems to rather like talking to her over his war council. But he seems to be more into the relationship than she is. She, sadly had to waste her second kill-wish on Amory Lorch , who fell face first when Tywin opened the door. Now the people know that there is an assassin in Harrenhal.

The riot scene was almost as I had pictured it in the book. Tyrion is as usual AWESOME! And Joffrey got what he deserves; a slap across his pathetic little face. That also by an Imp. “We’ve had vicious kings and we’ve had idiot kings, but I don’t know that we’ve ever been cursed with a vicious idiot.” was an amazing line said by Tyrion, which aptly describes Joffrey.

Finally we get to see Robb again, along with Lady Talisa and Cat returns with Brienne. She (Cat) reminds Robb that he has to marry one of the ugly Frey girls. And they get the bad news that Winterfell has been taken by Theon Greyjoy. Though he wants to return, he cannot as he has to fight a war. Jon also has his encounter with the wildlings and Ygritte.

Dany, in this season comes of as a more stronger, she also tries to get around by saying ” I am Daenerys Stormborn” and boasting about how she jumped into the flames of her husband with the Dragon eggs and she came out with the baby dragons. Her lines were just awesome in this episode. But the end was very sad. She looses her Dragons. Which never happened in the book. So the logical explanation is that Pyat Pree has taken them to the House of the Undying Ones. Also Irri doesn’t die on the second episode. She is there till the end of the third book.

The episode was amazing.. Only 4 more to go…

Game of Throne Season 2 Episode 5 “The Ghost of Harrenhal”

*Spoiler Alert*


In Harrenhal, Arya Stark is promised help by the mysterious Jaqen H’ghar, one of the three caged prisoners during her trip to the Wall. Catelyn is forced to flee from Renly’s camp. Theon sails from Pyke prepared to prove that he is a true Ironborn. The Night’s Watch arrive at an ancient fortress called the Fist of the First Men, where they intend to make a stand.


The episode continues the Renly-Storyline. After the smoke-monster-birth cliffhanger of “Garden of Bones” , the story of the smaoke monster continues. And the best part is that the episode starts with the murder of Renly Baratheon and the escape of Brienne and Lady Catelyn. The episode is not as weird as the previous one. Sadly this is the 5th episode, this means that only 5 more episodes left to the season finale. And these first five were awesome.

Yet not sign of Robb Stark, he only has been referred to by Lord Stannis. Arya and Stannis make a good couple. The look on Stannis’ face when Arya said “Any one can be killed” was epic! She is then promised 3 kills by Jaqen H’ghar.  And for the first time in Season 2 Dany is happy. And  the scene where Drogon roasts his meat is also epic! But her happiness doesn’t last for long, when the Warlock- Pyat Pree shows her the magic trick, and Xaro proposes mariage to Dany. And then things get awkward between Dany and Ser Jorah.

My only problem with this episode was the Jon Snow part. It felt like it was put there just for the transition. But then, it also shows Jon Snow being taken by Halfhand. Tyrion is as usual the best.

The end was just awesome, when The Tickler is pushed off the roof and that puts a smile on Arya’s face.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 4 “Garden of Bones”

The gate of Qarth "Best city there is and ever will be". The scene outside Qarth, Garden of Bones.


New Arrivals:

Nicholas Blane as the Spice King

Nonso Anozie as Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Ian Hanmore as Pyat Pree

Eugene Simon as Ser Lancel Lannister

Andy Kellegher as Polliver


Catelyn tries to convince the Baratheon brothers to abandon their quarrel and unite against the Lannisters, while Sansa is chastised by Joffrey in revenge for her brother’s victories. Arya and Gendry are taken captives to the castle of Harrenhal. After her exhausting journey through the desert, Daenerys arrives at the gates of the prosperous city of Qarth.


And the newest entries to the titles are: Harrenhall and Qarth (Pronounced as Karth. This is for you Dany). Sadly we had to say goodbye to Dothrak for Dany no longer resides there.

This has to be one of the most weirdest episodes I have seen. This episode has some sadistic torture scenes. King Joffery, my favourite person to hate, has given me more reasons to do so. He had Sansa Stark stripped and beaten in front of the whole court. But thankfully, Tyrion comes to the rescue. And we, at last, get to see a sympathetic side to ‘The Hound’. Joffery is making it difficult for me to like him after the stunt he pulled with Sansa. And especially after what he did to his gifts

Tyrion is my favourite Lannister. And one of my favourite male characters in this wonderful series.  And after a long wait (of two weeks) Robb Stark, King O’ the North, returns with Grey Wind. The starks fight the Lannisters, but we see none of the battles. But who is the woman with the silent sisters.

And speaking of torture, what do you say about rats clawing through your chest. While Gendry is being tortured, who would have thought that Tywin Lannister would be the one to save him and Arya. Dany, finally reached Qarth, and we get to meet Xaro Xhoan Daxos who vouches for Dany..

Does Stannis know what he and Mellisandre have brought to the world and what mystical powers she has? The instant pregnancy and the birth of the smoke monster. The look on Davos’ face was epic!

The cliffhanger was just amazing. It left me craving for more.. 60 Minute episodes aren’t enough. But I don’t think I can wait a week for the next episode.. Its too far away…



Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 3 “What is Dead May Never Die”

New Additions to the cast: 

Natalie Dormer as Lady Margaery Tyrell

Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth


Catelyn Stark arrives at King Renly’s camp to negotiate an alliance. Tyrion also tries to gain supports for Joffrey’s cause by proposing three different marriages. At Winterfell, Bran Stark needs help to decipher his dreams.


This is an awesome episode. Sadly Daenerys Targaryen and Robb are absent form this episode. But they were not needed in this episode. The scene where Lady Catelyn Stark meets Renly is soo majestic. And Brienne of Tarth was just awesome!!! Gwendoline Christie has changed soo much.. And she is soo tall!! Catelyn looked very tiny infront of her.

And finally in this episode my favorite quote from the book is used-   Varys:“In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a soldier, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it,’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it,’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do it,’ says the rich man, and all this gold shall be yours.’ So tell me – who lives and who dies? “Power resides only where men believe it resides. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”

Sadly they have cut Meera and Jojen Reed out.. They have not appeared to help Bran. And Theon’s attack is coming soon but the Reeds have not yet helped Bran.. They may probably come soon or may never come.. If they never come, it will pose problems for the future episodes.

The last scene of Yoren and Arya talking was the best part of the episode. And now they are the captives of Lannisters at Harrenhall.


Game Of Thrones Season 2 Episode 1 “The North Remembers”

Based on George R.R. Martin‘s A Song of Ice and Fire Book 2 “A Clash of Kings”

The Story: 

Determined to avenge his father’s death, the newly proclaimed “King in the North”, Robb Stark, continues his war against the Lannisters and the boy king Joffrey. But there are more claimants to the Iron Throne, including Stannis Baratheon, who is supported by a priestess of a strange god. Meanwhile, Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch continue their trek beyond the Wall, and Daenerys and the remains of her khalasar are forced to cross the Red Waste.

The Review:

The premiere was awesome and we get to see an extended title sequence featuring the new Isle of Dragonstone!!! This episode make it very clear that now the series would be more tricky and suspenseful. The series is now going to lack an important character-  Eddard “Ned” Stark. The Stark are also all over Westeros.

The series shows us just how bad and cold Joffery is. It also marks the enterance of Tyrion Lannister as the King’s Hand till his father Tywin Lannister replaces him. And as soon as he arrives he gets under the skin of Joffery and Cersei. Dinklage’s lines in the series are the best. They are so funny and sarcastic. His character is also mysterious. He is not Good. But he is also not on the side of the Lannisters.He truly deserved the Golden Globe.

This episode is also missing Arya Stark. We only catch a glimpse of her towards the end. But one problem is that the various theories about the comet is not addressed. We also see Jon Snow and the remaining of the men in the Night’s Watch find shelter under the roof of the Wildling names Caster. He is a very despicable character as he marries his daughters. This character is befitting such a series.

The Second season is off to a great start with this wonderful Episode.


A Clash of Kings


George R. R. Martin




November 1998


A Clash of Kings picks up where A Game of Thrones ended. The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are plagued by civil war, while the Night’s Watch mounts a reconnaissance force north of the Wall to investigate the mysterious people, known as wildlings, who live there. Meanwhile, in the distant east, Daenerys Targaryen continues her quest to return to and conquer the Seven Kingdoms. All signs are foreshadowing the terrible disaster that is to come.


The book is marvelously written. He is a marvelous writer. The story slowly unfolds and theres a game changer at every turn. This book was had to put down. The, though its 873 pages long, has a very simple story which is narrated to us by the different characters. The characters are so beautifully constructed that they fit the role which was ment for them to fill. The only thing I felt lacking in this book was that there were not many chapter of Daenerys Targaryen, The Mother of Dragons.

Other than that its a wonderful book. The thing I found frustrating was that Arya Stark doesn’t reveal to the people hat she is the daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark and sister to the King of the North- Robb Stark. I mean if she would have done so she might have been rescued or they would not have taken it seriously. It was a 50/50 chance.

But still it’s an awesome book and I can’t wait to read the third book A Storm of Swords Part 1- Steel and Snow and Part 2- Blood and Gold. I’m sure they too are going to be awesome.

And thank god I managed to finish the book before the second season of A Game of Thrones which starts on April 1st.

It’s a wonderful book. George R. R. Martin is truly one of the great authors in The Fantasy genre. 9/10