Archives for posts with tag: United States

Lester: Argo F***k Yourself


Ben Affleck


Grant Heslov, Ben Affleck, George Clooney


Ben Affleck as Tony Mendez

Bryan Cranston as Jack O’Donnell

Alan Arkin as Lester Siegel

John Goodman as John Chambers

Clea DuVall as Cora Lijek

Kyle Chandler as Hamilton Jordan

Victor Garber as Ken Taylor

Tate Donovan as Bob Anders

Michael Parks as Jack Kirby

Tom Lenk as Rodd

Christopher Stanley as Tom Ahern

Taylor Schilling as Christine Mendez

Rory Cochrane as Lee Schatz


Alexandre Desplat


A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out of revolutionary Iran.


When you see ‘Based on a True Story’ you think how true is the true story? Especially when it’s CIA related.. But, you’d be surprised how accurate this movie is. Ben Affleck is a great director and is critically acclaimed for his movies- ‘The Town’ and ‘Gone Baby Gone’. Those two were wonderful. This movie is no different.

The movie starts with a voice over telling us about the history of Iran, mixed with some real pictures and some drawings. Then we see what happened due to USA’s interference in the politics of Iran. This eventually led to the rebellion that led to the main story of the movie. This rebellion eventually leads to six Americans at the American embassy in Iran to escape and take refuge in the Canadian ambassador’s house.

There, they stay for over 70 days before the CIA takes notice of them and plans a rescue mission. They go through a list of plans to get them out.. All of them are bad. Ben Affleck’s character, Tony Mendez comes up with the best bad plan to get them out. He decides to make a fake movie and those 6 American’s would be the crew. They would be scouting for shooting locations. Tony, then goes around assembling the team for the movie. He finds that in John Goodman and Alan Arkin. From here, he goes to Tehran to save them.

The movie is well made and it blends the real footage with the movie nicely. The acting was wonderful, especially Ben Affleck’s. His performance was marvelous. He should win an oscar for this. The music complimented the scenes very well. The end kept the audience at the end of the chair waiting to see what would happen. At some point, people would expect a shoot out scene, but that doesn’t happen. That was a good thing. The set design and the costumes and the make was also very good. If I didn’t any better, I’d have thought that this movie was made in the 70’s.

The movie had hints of dark comic elements into it. This was a brilliant movie after so very long. Ben Affleck’s acting as one of the highlights of the movie.

Final Verdict:


 “I want to write about people I love, and put them into a fictional world spun out of my own mind, not the world we actually have, because the world we actually have does not meet my standards,”

PHILIP K. DICK!! All you must have heard the name. If you haven’t, go sit in a corner and reflect on the big mistakes of your life ! He is one of the greatest Science-Fiction Authors that ever existed. He was not well known, but he was a prolific author of his time. This is my 300th post and it is dedicated to Philip K. Dick.

Phillip Kindred Dick, born on December 16th 1928 , is an American author, short-story and essay writer. He, in his novels, has explored sociological, political  and metaphysical  themes. His novels usually centered around monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments, and altered states. His main genre was Science-Fiction.  He has 36 novels, 121 short stories, and 14 short story collections. His stories are crazy, mad and usually have interesting plot twists. He has also explored drug abuse and drug use in his book A Scanner Darkly. Many of his stories have been adapted into movies.

His novel The Man in the High Castle (1962) is set in an alternate universe in which the United States is ruled by the victorious Axis powers. It is considered a defining novel of the alternate history sub-genre,and is the only Dick novel to win a Hugo AwardFlow My Tears, the Policeman Said, a novel about a celebrity who awakens in a parallel universe where he is unknown, won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for best novel in 1975.

A Scanner Darkly is a bleak mixture of science fiction and police procedural novels; in its story, an undercover narcotics police detective begins to lose touch with reality after falling victim to the same permanently mind altering drug, Substance D, he was enlisted to help fight. Substance D is instantly addictive, beginning with a pleasant euphoria which is quickly replaced with increasing confusion, hallucinations and eventually total psychosis.It won the BSFA award in 1978 for the best novel.

Many people don’t know that he was broke when he died. He was broke most of his life. Philip K Dick passed away just before Blade Runner came out and the Hollywood gold rush began. Even during the most profitable time of his career from 1965-1968. he was only making about $12,000 a year. For instance, in the early 50’s when he wrote Paycheck he ironically was so poor he had to buy horse meat from a pet shop to survive.

Twenty-plus years into his career, Dick was so broke that Robert Heinlein, an author who was his polar opposite, offered to buy him a typewriter. By the way, this was around the same time in his life that Dick began to believe he was traveling to ancient Rome, courtesy of a time travelling alien who visited him in his sleep. Almost forgot to mention he was crazy too.

Dick books had “what’s real and what’s not”  twists. That was because he didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t Dick was paranoid and may have been schizophrenic.Dick, from a very young age suffered from Vertigo. When he started writing full time in the 50’s he’d get paid about $20 per short story, which led to the formation of his amphetamine habit as he used to lock himself away with his drugs and his typewriter writing 68 pages a day.

In the March of 1974, Dick believed that he was receiving a series of communication from an entity called VALIS, for Vast Active Living Intelligent System.These were delivered via an “information-rich pink beam” that transmitted directly into his mind. At first the messages were in the form of laser beams and geometric patterns, eventually they involved him living a double live as a persecuted Christian in Rome during the first century A.D. He wrote about his experiences in the book VALIS, Radio Free Albemuth.

Here’s one of his journal entries on the subject:

“March 20, 1974: It seized me entirely, lifting me from the limitations of the space-time matrix; it mastered me as, at the same time, I knew that the world around me was cardboard, a fake. Through its power of perception I saw what really existed, and through its power of no-thought decision, I acted to free myself. It took on in battle, as a champion of all human spirits in thrall, every evil, every Iron Imprisoning thing.”

Philip K. Dick. predicted the future once. When Minority Report came out in 2002, it was right in the middle of the war on terror and everyone thought the movie was a thinly veiled allusion to the invasive Homeland Security tactics we were seeing in the headlines. And in fact, a few years later the government introduced cameras that could supposedly detect when you intend to commit a crime in the future. He predicted this in 1956.

Philip K Dick’s books were hard to adapt. If you’ve read ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ and seen Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, you’d realise that there are TONS  of differences from the book. It appears as if they have just picked up the theme and idea and made it into a movie. Same goes for ‘We Can Remember It for You Wholesale and if you’ve seen both the Total Recall movies you’d see that there are differences. In Total Recall we have to keep deciding if this is real or if it’s all happening in Rekall. In Blade Runner we keep wondering if Deckard is human or a replicant. Many directors like Darren Arnofsky, have said that they were influenced by Philip K. Dick.

So, here’s to Mr. Philip Kindered Dick, the Van Gogh of Sci-Fi.

“In my writing I even question the universe; I wonder out loud if it is real, and I wonder out loud if all of us are real.”

I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS IS MY 200th POST.  THIS WILL BE A REVIEW OF THE EPIC GRAPHIC NOVEL ‘Watchmen‘. My 100th post was just few months ago on March 30th 2012. Roughly 3 months later, its time for my 200th post. I’m really excited about this one….. But first here are  the posters that my friend made to commemorate the 2ooth post of Galactica!

These are some awesome posters. Hope you all like them:

I’m happy to present to you my 200th post.. Watchmen Review

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchmen?)


Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons


Alan Moore


Dave Gibbons


John Higgins


Watchmen was an epic Graphic Novel created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons in 1986. It consisted of 12 issues and ended in1987. This comic was the Hugo Award and Eisner Award. I bought this book in 2006. And it was this book that got me into reading comics. So I felt that such a masterpiece must be reviewed on my blog. So on the special ocassion of my 200th post, I review Watchmen.

This is truly such a wonderful series of comics. The characters are so beautiful and they have their own personality. There was o part in this comic where I felt that it was getting boring. Or it was dragging. I was engaged in the plot throughout. And I finished it in a day and a half. This I’m reading for the third or fourth time. The plot was also ingenius. The quotes that come at the end of the comic was also a nice touch. Also something that I noticed when I first read the comic was that, in Chapter V or issue #5, you see that ‘Fearful Symmetry’ is written. After that, in the whole Chapter, you’d notice that the panels are in symmetry. In one place towards the end of the chapter, you’d notice the alternating color tint in the panels. All of this is due to dedication to ones work. And the artist has done a great job in portraying the characters and the dialogues were nicely written. Throughout the story, at the end of a chapter you see the hands of a clock slowly moving toward 12 O’clock. This actually reminds me of one time where me and my cousin were discussing about Watchmen. We were on the topic of the theory that the world will end when the clock strikes twelve. When we checked out watches it was 11:55 exactly. And after that we discussed about watchmen till very late in the night.

Thus Watchmen is one of the best works of fiction I have ever read. And what ever awards it got, it deserves more. Alan Moore is a genius when it comes to delivering quality product to the audience. He, in may opinion, did the right thing by not writing the prequel to Watchmen. In my opinion, let the other authors do the job. Any way the comics do not live up to the high standards set by Watchmen.

Final Verdict:



Brian Azzarello.


J. G. Jones


This is the third comic in the prequel series of Before Watchmen. As most of the reader know that The Comedian, dies at the start of Watchmen. And as I mentioned in the review of Silk Spectre #1, watchmen was what got me into reading comics. The series was so wonderful, that it caused me to explore the other DC comics and then onto Marvel. This issue talks about the past of The Comedian. How he knows the President and all is answered in this series for comics. It gives us an insight into The Comedian’s past. He is a wonderful character, but sadly we don’t know his whole story from Watchmen. But this explains it all. Or will explain it all. The Comedian has his funny dialogues which are well written and the scenes were well depicted. But does it live up to the hight expectations? NO! It was not a good story. There supporting character consisting of The Kennedy Family, were my not vet supporting. It doesn’t am depict the maniacal comedian we had seen in The Minutemen #1. This is a more older and wiser one. But the good part was the relationship between Comedian and Kennedy, which is a surprise to all of us! And he merges real world history with Watchmen world using one of the most important event in American History. Assassination of JFK. It is after this the Comedian changes his character. Probably, we’d get to see more of this in the future issues.

Other than that a good issue. But praying that it gets better as it progresses.

Final Verdict:
