Archives for posts with tag: Sci-fi

Here lies the body of September. A devoted Observer and Helper to Peter Bishop..
May his soul Rest In Peace


The Story:
While the Fringe team tracks down a girl who can predict the future, Olivia tries to cope with the message given to her by the Observers.

The Review:
What an Awesome episode! (here awesome means that it’s much better that the other “normal” episodes.) The contrast in characters of Astrid “here” and Astrid “There” is seen in the episode. It’s amazing how the characters pull of such amazing Dual roles which are completely opposite to the roles they originally played. This episode showcases new powers of The Observers which we previously did not know. The theories of ‘Deus Ex ‘ and ‘Tears of Ra’ were an awesome addition to the plethora of various others.
Also for the first time they speak of the mistake made by September.
All in all it’s an AWESOME episode. Sadly that means that the season would come to an end soon. I don’t like season finales.
According to my sources on FB the Executive Producers J.H Wyman and Jeff Pinker say that the Questions will be answered soon.
This just means that the season finale is going to be Legen- wait for it – Dary !!!

Director: Josh Trank

Producer: Josh Davis, Adam Schroeder.

Writer: Max Landis, Josh Trank.


Dane DeHaan as Andrew Detmer

Michael B. Jordan as Steve Montgomery

Alex Russell as Matt Garetty

Michael Kelly as Richard Detmer

Ashley Hinsaw as Case Letter

The Plot:

Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.

The Review:
There have been many movies about teens getting superpowers and then they abuse the power. But never has it been in a found footage form. This makes it all the more thrilling.
The movie is like Paranormal Activity but with super powers. Though it’s not a recognised genre of movie.There are more and more of these found footage movies and TV shows coming. Like The River, the director of the show is the director of Paranormal Activity series.
The first half of the movie was slow. It was good but slow. It started to get interesting after that.
There will probably be a sequel as Matt promises his dead cousin that he find the source of their power.
The movie was good. It had potential to be better. There is room for improvement. The buildup to the main plot of the movie was slow.

Final Verdict:
Good move. A one time watch movie. 6.5/10. If the build up was slightly better the movie would have been better.

Another set of Observer Images:


My god they are also on the moon. I think we now know whats on the dark side of the moon- The Observer HQ.


The Story:
The Fringe Division of the Other Side must deal with both a visit from Peter and a new enemy, who is preparing a worlds-spanning operation to gain the mineral he needs to provide energy for his master plan.

The Review:
The episodes of Fringe just keep getting better. When you think that it can’t get any better, it does. This episode is just so Awesome. And it’s so quote-able.
Also the Type-writer has been upgraded to an old computer. The computer looks similar to the one used I the Swan Station in Lost. One of J.J. Abrams other TV shows.
Apparently J.J Abrams likes to leave subtle hints of connectivity between his works. For example in Cloverfield the Dharma Initiative sign flashes on screen. But that was due to them having the same Writer. So poorly chosen example.


Robert Jones: Take me to your leader.

Robert Jones: I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea.

Robert Jones: There’s something about the air on this side. It tastes…… sweeter.

Peter: We’re looking in the wrong Universe.

Lee: He (Robert Jones) holds all the cards.
Peter: Not all. You have me.