Archives for posts with tag: River Song

**Spoilers!! for Season 7**

Just a year ago, I started watching Doctor Who. After a few episodes of a raggedy man talking about time vortexes and sonic screwdrivers I got interested. Just for those who don’t know- Doctor Who is a long-running British Science Fiction TV Show that started in 1963. It revolves around a 900+ year-old Time Lord, travelling in a blue police box, which he calls TARDIS – Time And Relative Dimension In Space. He calls himself The Doctor. He also has the ability to change his face and body, its called regeneration.

At the time I started watching the TV Show, I had no clue that there were over 20 season before it, and the one I was watching was the reboot, starting with the 9th Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston. I became addicted to the show. All my time was consumed by thoughts of The Doctor. I was a zealot.

Craig Ferguson has suggested that nerds like me like Doctor Who because it’s about the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism, and that’s a very accurate point, but that never explained why I became such a fanboy! Even Star Trek or Star Wars hadn’t affected me in such a way. I’m in no way educated in the entire  Whoniverse. I’ve seen some of the episodes of the old series and all of the rebooted ones.

According to me, the show reached it’s high point during the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh seasons. The fourth season had Donna Noble as the companion, who was fun and a bit noisy. During the fourth season we saw the introduction of River Song in a two part episode  Silence of the Library and Forest of the Dead. She was one of the biggest mysteries of the series. Her secret was revealed much later.

Then, in the fifth season, we saw Amy Pond becoming the new companion. She was the best! The Doctor and her had some kind of relationship. At times it seemed as if  Amy was in love with this man. This season had some very emotional episodes, especially “Vincent and The Doctor” which featured Vincent Van Gogh. This season also had the Weeping Angels, in another two parter. The episode ended with The Doctor causing The Big Bang 2.

The sixth season centered around The Doctor and his death. Then the sixth episode called ‘A Good Man Goes to War‘ was one of the best episode of the series. It ended with an episode called ‘The Wedding of River Song‘ which closed the death of the doctor story arc. But it also ushered in another plot line. Doctor Who? A question that must never be asked.

By the seventh season, Amy and Rory had become a part of my life. And their departure in episode 5 was very emotional. By the seventh season Doctor Who had gone from a regular TV Show to an obsession.

Here I give my top three reason for Doctor Who becoming, for lack of a better term, my religion:

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“I always rip out the last page of a book. Then it doesn’t have to end. I hate endings”


Nick Hurran


Steven Moffat


Alex Kingston – River Song

Mike McShane – Grayle

Rob David – Sam Garner



We were warned many months ago that Amy and Rory were going to depart from the show in episode 5, which would also feature the Weeping Angels. I thought I would be prepared for such an episode. I was WRONG!

This episode takes place in Manhattan ans also sees the return of River Song. I know that the doctor hates endings, but I need to start with that here. Moffat wasn’t lying when he said someone was going to die in this season. He didn’t kill the Ponds off too quickly. He gave them decades worth of fun with the Doctor.

The episode ended with a shot of young Amelia Pond awaiting the Doctor. He ended their story by tying up the story that began in “Eleventh Hour”. The closing shot of Amelia Pond was a very nice touch; it ended the Amy-Rory story nicely. We know we won’t see them again. Not as cameos or anything else. Karren had made it extremely clear that Amy WILL NOT return. And I hope that she doesn’t return. Karren has done a wonderful job with Amy and her relationship with the Doctor.

Steven Moffat’s script had a lot in store for Karen and Arthur. The episode had humor, action emotion, timey wimey troubles, River and of course the Weeping Angels. The performances by Gillian and Darvill were just amazing. His performance as Rory (In all the episode and not just this one) has been amazing. They will be missed. Matt Smith was just marvelous. The effects of him travelling alone are seen loud and clear here. For the Doctor loosing companions is nothing new, but he has never been so selfish about them. This shows that he was really attached to them during their run with the Doctor. He explained how special Amy was to him in the previous episode.

Alex Kingston reprises her role as River Song/ Melody Pond. Given that this is the farewell of her parents, she had to be present. She also reminds us that The Doctor has gone about erasing himself form every database of the Universe. She has her moments with the doctor, when she disguises her broken wrist and encourages her mother to go back in time to Rory. Her performance too shined in this episode.

The Angels were obviously supposed to be the main feature of this episode. But they weren’t focused on much. The angels were less scary this time around. The baby angels were a good addition. And the smiling angel was unsettling. The large Statue of Liberty Angel was also a nice addition. I actually felt a little sad for the Angel that was cuffed up. The Angels, in my opinion, were not that great. It’s ironic that the weak part if The Angels Take Manhattan was the Angels themselves.

The whole episode looked good with the detective noir feel to it. The pre-credit scene with the typewriter and the voice over was very good. Coming back to the ending- the farewell was quite emotional with the gravestone and Rory being sent back in time by an angel. And then River encourages her mother and Doctor does not want Amy to go back in time to Rory. Also the first time when they both jump off the roof of Winter Quay was awesome and also very emotional.

So, here we are, at the end of a journey. No more Amy or Rory. I’m going to miss them and also their names coming during the credits sequence. On the bright side we have sometime to get over the departure. The Christmas Episode will feature the new companion.

Final Verdict:



These pictures appeared online sometime ago. This would be the last episode of Amy and Rory. Here’s what Moffat’s had to say:

“Never let him see the damage. And never, ever let him see you age. He doesn’t like endings.”

The Doctor has been dropping in on the Ponds for some years now, and he’s barely even noticed that his little Amelia Pond is now wearing reading glasses.

Surely nothing has to change now? Surely this can go on for ever? Has the wandering Time Lord at last found a family and the nearest thing to a home he could imagine?

But out there in New York the Weeping Angels are waiting for them all, and a very different destiny is falling into place. Not even River Song can save them from the terrible events to come.

Heartbreak is always a terrible thing. But imagine if you had two of them…

Here are the pictures: