Marvin: Don’t talk to me about life!


Douglas Adams


Pan Books

Date Published:

12 October 1979


One Thursday lunchtime the Earth gets unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. For Arthur, who just had his house demolished that morning, this seems already more than he can cope with. Sadly, however, the weekend had only just begun, and the Galaxy in a very strange and startling place.


Ahh Hitch-Hikers. This is by far the best Sci-fi book I’ve ever read. It could also be nostalgia, as this was also the first Sci-Fi book I read. And since then, I’ve come to read this book a numer of times (10 to be exact). Douglas Adams is forever immortalised in my heart and probably in the hearts of everyone who has read this book. He is a true genius. May his soul reat in peace!

This book is so wonderful. It’s very funny and its beautiful. It is a piece of art. The characters are so awesome. Arthur Dent is a stubborn English man who is trouble by the demolition of his house to build a bypass, unaware of the fact that another Alien race is going to destroy Earth to build a Hyper Space Bypass. And from there begins Arthur along with his friend Ford Prefect (Who is from Betelgeuse) as they traverse the universe. They also end up meeting Zaphod Beeblebrox (Alien and President of the Galaxy)and Trillian (Human).

The story is so awesome and wonderfully funny. The dialogue and the explanation of things were beautifully constructed. My favourite part in the whole books id the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything, given by Deep Thought. The answer being 42. This has always made me laugh. Where ever I go i try and find connections to the number 42. And after giving the answer Deep Thought sends the people on a journey to find the Ultimate Question with which they will understand the answer. And the machine that would do so was destroyed five minutes before it found the Answer. Yes! That machine was earth!

All in all one of the best books I have ever read. My favourite character in Hitchhikers is Marvin the Paranoid Android, who is always depressed and is so funny!

Final Verdict:
