These pictures appeared online sometime ago. This would be the last episode of Amy and Rory. Here’s what Moffat’s had to say:

“Never let him see the damage. And never, ever let him see you age. He doesn’t like endings.”

The Doctor has been dropping in on the Ponds for some years now, and he’s barely even noticed that his little Amelia Pond is now wearing reading glasses.

Surely nothing has to change now? Surely this can go on for ever? Has the wandering Time Lord at last found a family and the nearest thing to a home he could imagine?

But out there in New York the Weeping Angels are waiting for them all, and a very different destiny is falling into place. Not even River Song can save them from the terrible events to come.

Heartbreak is always a terrible thing. But imagine if you had two of them…

Here are the pictures: