This is the first edition of this. It’s a collection of movie and TV Show news from 3oth April to 6th May.
1) The Avengers made 80.5 Million on its opening day in North America!
2) The Avengers beaks records by making 200.3 Million overall.
3) The new The Dark Knight Rises trailer arrives!!
Here’s the Trailer:
4) The New Prometheus Trailer also arrives!!
Here’s the trailer:
5) The new poster for The Amazing Spider-Man also arrives, with an Spider-man on the cover. It is accompanied by the new and rather good trailer!
Here’s the poster:
Here’s the trailer:
6)  The new Expendables 2 trailer arrives.
The Trailer:
7)  And Friday was Star Wars Day!!! May the fourth be with you!
8) The trailer for Beasts of the southern Wild too arrives.
9) Sofia Vergara and Amber Heard have joined the cast of Machete Kill directed by Robert Rodriguez.
10) Michael Biehn got te lead role in new thriller movie Treachery. The cast also includes: Jennifer Blanc Biehn, Sarah Butler, Caitlin Keats, Chris Meyer and Matthew Ziff.
11) Iron man’s director Jon Favreau gets a role in the new comedy Identity Theft. Jason Bateman plays a man whose identity is stolen by Melissa McCarthy‘s character. Favreau takes on the role of Bateman’s boss in the Seth Gordon directed comedy.
12)The Avengers ears an additional 440 million from theatres outside America.
13) The US version of The Avengers gets a  second Post Credit Scene!! ( Cheating Monkeys!!!)
14) Men in Black 3 gets a new poster!
Here’s the poster:
15) Hulk’s stand alone movie may be back on the cards. (Good or bad?)
17) A re-write of the script of the daredevil reboot has been ordered.
Seems like the movie is already in trouble.
18)Poltergeist may be remade with Sam Raimi directing it.
19) After Avatar 2 & 3, the 4th may also be made.
20) The Avengers DVD/ Blu Ray, will have 30 mins of deleted scenes.
21) Prometheus will be Rated R.
TV Show:
22) Game of Thrones is renewed for a 3rd Season!!!
23) Fringe is renewed for a 5th season, which would be the final season.
24) The trailer for the upcoming Tron Uprising debuts. It is an animated Sci-fi series, which takes place between Tron and Tron: Legacy.
Here’s the Trailer:
24) BBC commissions  a new three part Zombie Drama.
 25) The Walking Dead Season 3 airs on 2nd of December
New Reviews on the Blog:
 26) The Sitter Review
27) We Bought a Zoo Review
28) A Storm of Sword Part 1 Steel and Snow Book Review. 
29) Crank Book Review.
30) The Big Bang Theory S05E23 Review
31) Fringe S04E21 Review