Archives for posts with tag: Marvel



Kelly Sue DeConnick



Emma Rios


Well, just when you think that a comic can not do any better, Kelly Sue and her Captain Marvel series just surprises you.. This issue is a work of art.. No, truly a work of ART!! Kelly Sue DeConnick is just wonderful. Whatever I say about her is not enough. The dialogue, the story, the art……… SO AWESOME! There’s nothing to hate in this issue.

This one is all about Helen Cobb and Carol Danvers. You don’t see much of Captain Marvel in this issue- but you know what, I don’t care. The issue is funny; the story is good and heartfelt. I feel that this is one of those unique series’ that Marvel should be proud of. It’s good that they let Kelly do her magic and make this one of my favorite Comic. I look forward to this, every month only because of her.

The artwork is also brilliant! This issue has one of the best artwork! This is also the best issue. Emma Rios is so awesome. The cover art was also fantastic. I really want to give a standing ovation to the team for such a wonderful comic!

Final Verdict:



 Kelly Sue DeConnick


Dexter Soy


WOW! Just Wow!

For 3 issues straight, Kelly Sue DeConnick has been showing us how awesome she really is. She is one of the best writers in the recent years. She has made such a great character of Captain Marvel. She has made people care about Carol through her book. Before this, I couldn’t care less for the character, but now it has all changed.

This issu has some great development story-wise and character-wise. There was this one scene in the book where Carol destroys the large machine and tells the japanese pilot to go back to base camp, gather all his buddies and build an armoured squad and come back to her, so that she can kick their asses again.

The artwork by Dexter Soy has been flawless. He has depicted the characters awesomely. DeConnick’s dialogue and story too are marvellous. There will be a point in the future issues, where Helen and Carol will meet. And by the looks of the one page comic at the end, it will have some consequences. The best thing for Marvel to do right now is to give tons of comics to DeConnick. This series has been stellar since the very first issue.

Final Verdict:



Kelly Sue DeConnick


Dexter Soy


Captain Marvel isn’t your typical super hero comic. It’s something better. The second issue sees Carol travel to the past, which takes her out of her comfort zone, and she gave a reason for it too. The dialogue is epic and the inner monologue is GOLD!

We see Captain Marvel in the past where she meets this group of female commandos whom she helps. Each page that you see is awesome. This is a story that wants to develop the character of Carol. Which is a good thing in so many ways. Soy’s art style is dark, and due to that this has a dark style. Though i had expected expect something else, we all got something much better.

Dexter Soy has made this story so much better and enjoyable. Marvel should take such risks again and bring us some awesome material like this.

Final Verdict:
