This post is for only those who have seen The Avengers movie.

If  you have seen The Avengers, you would have seen the strange scene after the names of the actors came. And then waited till all the credits rolled out to see the Post-Credit scene. But to our dismay, there wasn’t any. Thus the afore mentioned scene is logically is the post  credit scene.

After the end of the movie, when the Chitauri have been killed or sucked back into the hole in the sky, and Loki is transported back to Asgard where he would be punished for his crimes, we see the Chitauri leader talking to a large shadowy entity (Lets call him Mr.Shadow). He says to the shadowy being that attacking Earth “would be to court death”.  And then there is a wide grin on Mr.Shadow’s face

Now the question arises: Who is the shadowy being? (Mind you there is only one right answer)

If you have been looking over Twitter for that answer then you would have got some crazy answers like it was  the Red Skrulls. Some even though tit was the Asgardian Watchman- Hemindall. Or some rubbish like that. But there is only one right answer.

The answer is Thanos! Yes you read right! It is Thanos the Titan from Saturns Moon Titan.

This just makes it even  crazier! Does this mean that Thanos will be there for Avengers 2? Who knows!