Archives for posts with tag: literature

“Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.”


F. Scott Fitzgerald


Charles Scribner’s Sons

Published on:

April 10, 1925


When people say that a book is a classic, you’d expect something great out of that book. I was told that The Great Gatsby was a classic novel, this was one of the reason I read this book. The second reason was that a movie adaptation of this was coming end of this year with Leonardo DiCaprio playing the role of Gatsby. I started reading this book expecting this to blow me away. But I was sadly disappointed with it.

The book had an irregular narrative. It skipped from one point of time to another. The story was presented haphazardly in the book. The writing wasn’t very good. I know that this is a classic, but I think that I would have appreciated it more if i had read it when it was released in 1925.

All in all the book was quite boring. It was a task for me to finish it.

Final Verdict:


A Storm of Swords Part-2: Blood & Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire #3)




George R. R. Martin


Bantam Spectra (US) & Voyager Books(UK)

Date Published:

August 6th 2001


he Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud, and winter approaches like an angry beast. Beyond the Northern borders, wildlings leave their villages to gather in the ice and stone wasteland of the Frostfangs. From there, the renegade Brother Mance Rayder will lead them South towards the Wall. Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown in the Kingdom of the North, but his defences are ranged against attack from the South, the land of House Stark‘s enemies the Lannisters. His sisters are trapped there, dead or likely yet to die, at the whim of the Lannister boy-king Joffrey or his depraved mother Cersei, regent of the Iron Throne. And Daenerys Stormborn will return to the land of her birth to avenge the murder of her father, the last Dragon King on the Iron Throne.

A Storm of Swords (Part 1 & 2) is easily my favourite book in the series so far. Blood and Gold is such a wonderful book with unexpected and horrifying deaths of main characters. The book is superbly written and it’s hard to put it down.
I really hate cliff hangers. And this book has many. A cliff hanger is solved many chapters and pages after. For example, the Arya (11th Chapter) cliff hanger is solved only 13 chapters after, which would make it the 24th. 170 pages is a long wait! After that cliff hanger, I was sure she was dead. The same goes for another character, which I shan’t mention.
George RR Martin, has used the first book to develop the characters and the second to implement them. This has some good action sequences. I have the same problem with this part as I had with the previous one. There aren’t enough chapter of Daenerys! She is clearly the best female characters. She has only 3 chapters. Out of 40 chapters, she has only 3!!!
Any way it’s too late to change that now. Other wise the book is awesome! And the story is compelling.
Now only Feast for Crows and Dance of Dragons. And later the #6th book “The Winds of Winter” when it’s released.

This book was so AWESOME that I finished it in under a week!!

Heres my review for A Storm of Swords Part- 1: Steel & Snow.


Douglas Adams & Gareth Roberts.


Science Fiction.

The Story:

The Doctor and his Time Lady companion Romana respond to The Doctor old friend Professor Chrontis. He too is a Time Lord from Gallifrey. He possesses a very special book- The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey.

Another strange man arrives on earth for book, to use it for his devious plot. His name is Skagra. He is i search of the mysterious planet of the Time Lords called Shada which is a prison for the universes most vicious criminals Now it’s the Doctors job to save the universe from destruction. Again.

The Review:

This book is the novelisation of the incomplete Doctor Who episode for the 4th Doctor written by the God of Sci-Fi – Douglas Adams. It was restored by Gareth Roberts, and then published on March 14th. Doctor Who is the longest running Sci-Fi TV show. It has been running since 1965 with the first Doctor played by William Hartnell. And his first ever companion was his grand daughter Susan Foreman played by Carole Ann Ford. Three Doctors later Douglas Adams wrote Shada a six part episode for the 17th Season for the Fourth and probably one of the best Doctors who is potryaed by Tom Baker.

Shada remained incomplete and unaired. Douglas Adams did not want any of his episodes to be novelised, thus they never were. After more than three decades Doctor Who: Shada has finally been restored by Gareth Roberts and now published.

I had pre-ordered the book on Kindle on January 20th. And it arrived on March 14th during my Boards. Whenever I got the time I read the book and I finally finished the book on 30th March.

The book was marvellous. Douglas Adams is a true genius. His scrip has been converted into a novel by Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts. Douglas Adams brings his trademark wit mixed with Sci Fi elements which is perfect for The Doctor. Adams, has brought to the surface the true essence of The Doctor.

The book was filled with thrills. And the enigmatic Skagra was just brilliant. The book has a very unexpected turn of events in the last ten chapters. The book also has a mention of Douglas Adams masterpiece – The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. And this book immortalises the genius of Douglas Adams. His legacy lives on through his books.

May his soul Rest In Peace. And So long and Thanks for all the books.

“Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!”


Suzanne Collins.


Science-Fiction & Young Adult.

The third and final book in The Hunger Games Trilogy

The Story:

Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived, even though her home has been destroyed. Gale has escaped. Katniss’s family is safe. Peeta has been captured by the Capitol. District 13 really does exist. There are rebels. There are new leaders. A revolution is unfolding.

It is by design that Katniss was rescued from the arena in the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell, and it is by design that she has long been part of the revolution without knowing it. District 13 has come out of the shadows and is plotting to overthrow the Capitol. Everyone, it seems, has had a hand in the carefully laid plains – except Katniss.

The success of the rebellion hinges on Katniss’s willingness to be a pawn, to accept responsibility for countless lives, and to change the course of the future of Panem. To do this, she must put aside her feelings of anger and distrust. She must become the rebels’ Mockingjay – no matter the personal cost.

— From the back of the book. 🙂

The Review:

The third and last instalment in the Hunger Games Trilogy is wonderful. Suzanne Collins has brought an end to the best-selling series. And what a surprising end. I didn’t expect that at all. The book is action packed and does not lack thrills and cliffhangers. The book was well written and lives up to the extremely high standards set by ‘The Hunger Games‘ and ‘Catching Fire‘. Sadly it all had to come to an end.