
David Fincher


Gordon Carroll, David Giler & Walter Hill


Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley

Charles S. Dutton as Dillon

Charles Dance as Jonathan Clemens

Brian Glover as Harold Andrews

Ralph Brown as Aaron

Paul McGann as Golic

Danny Webb as Morse

Pete Postlethwaite as David

Lance Henriksen as Bishop II

Tom Woodruff, Jr. as the Alien.

Peter Guinness as Gregor


Elliot Goldenthal


Ripley continues to be stalked by a savage alien, after her escape pod crashes on a prison planet.


The movie is good, but not one of David Fincher’s best work. The Alien looked more….um….beautiful in this. There were certain discrepancies in the story: How did the alien egg get there? Did the Queen from Aliens plant them on the ship or was it Bishop? How does Ripley know that its a queen inside of her? How does she get impregnated in the first place?What happens to Golic? All these questions are unanswered for me.. It either ruins the movie or adds to the enigmatic feel of the movie. I can’t decide.

The movie otherwise is pretty good. As I said before, the Alien looks better, though its missing the pipe kind of things in its back. The acting was as usual good. The special effects in the movie was much better.

I saw the so-called ‘Assembly Cut’ which differs from the ‘Theatrical Cut’. The Alien develops and bursts out from an Ox in the Assembly Cut, while in the theatrical cut it burst out of a dog. The assembly cut was longer than the Theatrical Cut for it had a deleted scene where the Alien is trapped. And later it was released by Golic. In the Theatrical Cut  the prisoners aren’t able to capture the alien. These are few of the changes that are made in the Assembly Cut.

Final Verdict:

The movie is quite enjoyable. 7.5/10