Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You’re faster than this. Don’t think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me.


Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski


Joel Silver


Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski


Keanu Reeves as Thomas Anderson / Neo

Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus

Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity

Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith

Joe Pantoliano as Cypher

Julian Arahanga as Apoc

Anthony Ray Parker as Dozer

Marcus Chong as Tank

Gloria Foster as the Oracle

Belinda McClory as Switch


Don Davis


A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.


First of all I’d like to say that I absolutely hate Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburn. Keanu isn’t a strong actor and Laurence’s role in CSI ruined my image of him. But when they are given good roles in good movies, without stupid lines they actually do a good job.

The Wachowski brothers have done a beautiful job in this movie. We are in a time where sci-fi movies lack a good script and rely heavily on SFX. It was a refresher to see such a movie. This movie has humor, action, science fiction and little bit of romance. The action sequences in the movie are a little like a tamil movie, but since it’s happening in The Matrix, its’s forgivable.

The visuals are stunning and the action sequences are choreographed to catch your attention. The movie gets interesting only after the first 30 mins, when Neo gets the message from Morpheus asking him to follow the white rabbit. The ship has a rather complicated name –  “Nebuchadnezzar” – not bad as names go but a rather  funny name. The acting of Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith was very good.

The Matrix, is essentially a good vs evil, dystopian future movie. All  in all it’s an awesome movie.

Final Verdict:
