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Theodore Boone: The Accused (Theodore Boone #3)


John Grisham


Theodore Boone has been a victim of  crime, been attacked while doing his homework and, framed for a robbery.When stolen computer equipment turns up in his school locker, he has to find out who put it there. And the identity of the real thief.


‘The Accused’ is the best book in this series. The second book was not very good. It was actually quite boring and the story dragged. The first book was very good and this one is better than the rest. John Grisham, doesn’t drag the story for some 400 pages. He finishes the book in less than 300 pages. The story is engaging with a very predictable ending. Grisham, makes the law easy to understand for the readers. Theodore Boone, has developed in this book. Though the end, was predictable and the part where Ike assumes that the culprit might be the child of one of hus mothers clients, was also predictable.

Final Verdict:

The book was enjoyable and finished it in 5 days.. 7.5/10

The Story:

Mitch is given the difficult task of defending Judd Grafton, a gambler wrongly accused of murder. With Judd continuing to claim his innocence and willing to take the risk of a guilty verdict, Mitch puts Ray to work to find any helpful clues. Meanwhile, Mitch and Abby, who have been invested in the Althea Sanderson tort case, take a huge risk by enlisting Kinross & Clark to help them.

The Review:

Mitch deals with another lawyer who is being tried in court for killing a loan shark. He claims it’s self defence but Mitch doesn’t believe him. Mitch’s brother checks on Sarah Holt to tell her about her case. He tells her that the old woman’s son had motive. After he comes out he tells Mitch that she is hiding something. He later gets the keys to her house and finds some shredded sheet of paper which he intends to join back.
Meanwhile Mitch’s explains to Andrew that they do not want to settle on the Tort case. Andrew then shows Abby all the people working on the case.
Later in the episode she receives a call from Andrew telling her that they’ve found “Golden Ticket”.
Mitch deals with the lawyer who apparently killed a loan shark. He finds out that the lawyers best friend, who was thought to be crippled, walks down the steps of the hospital to confront the loan shark. And eventually shoots him dead. But the lawyer takes his place and pleads Not Guilty and the murder was caused due to Self Defence.
What an episode! I just love Legal Thrillers. John Grisham is one of the best in his field. The arguments are so well written. Apparently the “Flash Forward” shown at the start of the episode is directly connected to the 8th Episode (According to Josh Lucas, who plays Mitch McDeere).
The episode was good. But I don’t know why people can’t appreciate good shows. Most of the critics don’t like the show. There is a chance that it might get cancelled. 😦