The Newsroom Season 1 Episode 1 ‘ We Just Decided To’


Greg Mottola


Scott Rudin


Aaron Sorkin


Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy

Emily Mortimer as Mackenzie MacHale

John Gallagher, Jr. as Jim Harper

Alison Pill as Maggie Jordan

Dev Patel as Neal Sampat

Olivia Munn as Sloan Sabbith

Thomas Sadoski as Don Keefer

Sam Waterston as Charlie Skinner


In the aftermath of his breakdown, Will McAvoy returns to his job to find that most of his colleagues are leaving and his executive producer is his ex-girlfriend, and when some breaking news hits the station, the staff faces a new challenge.


First when I saw the trailer for this series, I thought that here is another boring show for TV. But now since I have actually seen the first episode, I realize that I couldn’t have been more wrong! Jeff Daniels has acted so well. The story is wonderfully created by Aaron Sorkin, who previously created The West Wing which was also an Emmy-award winning series.

The start of the series where Will McAvoy tell why America isn’t the best country in the world was a nicely written dialogue. The Newsroom is an Aaron Sorkin’s much-anticipated return to TV. The show is humorous and interesting. I actually expected this episode to be slow and boring. But it kept me engaged through out.  The acting was just marvelous especially by Jeff Daniels. His shouting contests were just too good.

Emily Mortimer and Alison Pill and John Gallenger have also done an awesome job! This is an interesting TV show and I want to see where it goes. Sadly only 8 episode in this series.

Final Verdict:

9/10. A truly amazing series!