Archives for posts with tag: Green Lantern


Geoff Johns


Doug Mahnke


Simon Baz as the new Green Lantern continues to impress the readers. Geoff Johns is known for his long form character driven stories. Here, with the inclusion of Justice League, he shows us that he has a sense of humor. This issue returns to the old superhero fare.

The artwork by Doug Mahnke was just wonderful. He has drawn the action scenes and the slightly humorous ones wonderfully. Kudos to the colorists. They bring out the the darkness of certain scenes. They have done a marvelous job. Strangely JL looks better here than in their own book. And I’m sure many people would agree with me, at least IGN does.

Simon Baz might just be the best thing that happened to the Green Lantern series. Mahnke should stay on the GL series as he has made this issue the high point of the GL series. The artwork is outstanding and the coloring of the issue was also awesome. They bring out the the darkness of certain scenes.

Final Verdict:





Geoff Johns


 Ethan Van Sciver


This issue was a nice close to the yearlong arc of Green Lantern. And what an issue!. It was eventful. This issu would, probably, usher in a cross-over event in the three Green Lantern books and the Red Lantern book. Ethan Van Sciver, last drew for GL in GL: Rebirth which too ushered in a new era of Hal and the Green Lantern Corps. So who better to draw for the major cross-over event than Eric?

At the start of this, we see Hal and Sinestro facing Black Hand, while the Guardians go in search of the First Lantern. It’s about time that Geoff Johns did something with the Guardians. We see them flying through space to find a huge box, with is bound by Green chains. On entering we see some Guardian-esque figures, guarding the First Lantern.

Back on earth, Hal is beating Black Hand, which Eric Van Sciver depicts nicely. The whole battle sequence was pretty good. Eric has done a very good job with the explosions in this issue. For beings who are supposed to be purged of all emotion, they sure are pretty angry. They want to create a third army after destroying all the other lanterns. The guardians have some good reason for creating a third army. This issue had made me more excited for October.

Final Verdict:



Geoff Johns


 Renato Guedes & Jim Calafiore


The Blackest Night arc was over many years ago. I was really upset when Black Hand coughed out a Black Ring. But my initial thoughts were proven wrong. He puts an awesome spin on the Black Hand’s purpose, which totally changes Hal’s position.

Why are the Guardians behind all the trouble? In Green Lantern Corps., they talk about getting the third wave of lanterns, they do the same thing here. With the new penciller, Hal Jordan changes too. There is something different about him in every issue. One scene where Sinestro’s arm was twisted in a very strange manner was very interesting. There was some awesome Zombie smashing scenes, where there were so many constructs. These were the high points of this issue.

This ended with an awesome cliffhanger where the Black Book says that Hal Jordan will be the greatest Black Lantern, and we also see the body of Hal Jordan on the ground.

This was a very good issue. Really can’t wait to see where this arc goes. By revealing that Hal will become a Black Lantern lot of things change.

Final Verdict:





Peter Tomasi



Fernando Pasarin


This was one of the good Green Lanterns titles, but now it’s declining. This Alpha War gets boring all to soon. They have forgotten the main story arc. They have lost sight of why they got here- John Stewart killing a fellow Lantern.

The same problem, I had with the other GLC issues appears here too- there’s way too much going on in the series. The Alpha’s and Green Lanterns are the same color, and this causes a lot of confusion in the panels. But on the bright side, the issue ends with a funeral scene, which was very good. There is only one problem that remains, what happens to Stewart? The Alphas had sentenced him to death, just because they died, that doesn’t mean that he is off the hook. We’d probably get to know what happens, in the issues to come. But the writer hasn’t given us any clue to his plans for John Stewart.

Final Verdict:
