Archives for posts with tag: Film




Robert Frobisher: A halffinished book is after all, a halffinished love affair.


Tom Tykwer & Lana Wachowski &Andy Wachowski


Grant HillStefan Arndt, Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer & Andy Wachowski


The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing

Jim Sturgess as Adam Ewing

Tom Hanks as Dr. Henry Goose

David Gyasi as Autua

Doona Bae as Tilda Ewing

Hugo Weaving as Haskell Moore

Jim Broadbent as Captain Molyneux

Hugh Grant as Reverend Gilles Horrox

Keith David as Kupaka

Susan Sarandon as Madame Horrox

Halle Berry as Native Woman

Ben Whishaw as Rafael

Letters from Zedelghem

Ben Whishaw as Robert Frobisher

Halle Berry as Jocasta Ayrs

James D’Arcy as Rufus Sixsmith

Jim Broadbent as Vyvyan Ayrs

Tom Hanks as a Hotel Manager

Hugo Weaving as Tadeusz Kesselring

Hugh Grant as Hotel Heavy

Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery

Halle Berry as Luisa Rey

Tom Hanks as Issac Sachs

Hugo Weaving as Bill Smoke

Keith David as Joe Napier

David Gyasi as Lester Rey

Doona Bae as a Mexican Woman

James D’Arcy as Rufus Sixsmith

Hugh Grant as Lloyd Hooks

Ben Whishaw as Record Shop Owner

The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish

Jim Broadbent as Timothy Cavendish

Tom Hanks as Dermot Hoggins

Jim Sturgess as Highlander

Hugo Weaving as Nurse Noakes

Ben Whishaw as Georgette

Hugh Grant as Denholme Cavendish

Susan Sarandon as Ursula

Halle Berry as Indian Party Guest

An Orison of Sonmi~451

Doona Bae as Sonmi-451

Jim Sturgess as Hae-Joo Chang

Hugo Weaving as Boardman Mephi

James D’Arcy as Wing-027

Zhou Xun as Yoona-939

Halle Berry as Ovid

Jim Broadbent as a Korean Musician

Keith David as General An-Kor Apis

Hugh Grant as Seer Rhee

Tom Hanks as Cavendish Look-a-Like Actor

Sloosha’s Crossin’ an’ Ev’rythin’ After

Tom Hanks as Zachry

Halle Berry as Meronym

Jim Sturgess as Adam/Zachry Brother in Law

Hugo Weaving as Old Georgie

Susan Sarandon as Abbess

Hugh Grant as the Kona Chief

Jim Broadbent as a Prescient

Zhou Xun as Rose

Based on Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell


Reinhold HeilJohnny Klimek, Tom Tykwer


An epic story of humankind in which the actions and consequences of our lives impact one another throughout the past, present, and future as one soul is shaped from a murderer into a savior and a single act of kindness ripples out for centuries to inspire a revolution.


Cloud Atlas… Is it a disaster or a masterpiece? Well, it’s a bit of both… It’s a story about a bunch of stories all interconnected. If you look at each individual story, they might seem dismal at times, but if you look at the movie as a whole it’s one helluva movie. You need to see this movie to decide your feelings about it.

Cloud Atlas is the adaptation of David Mitchell‘s Booker Prize nominated book of the same name. It contains stories that span over centuries, from the 19th Century till somewhere in the distant future. If that wasn’t a good enough Challenge for the three directors, they upped the insanity quotient by using the same three actors for different characters, in most of the six stories. Some of the actors played different genders and races too. Some of the make up was quite stupid.

As in the book, each story is tied to one another. In each, someone is reading or watching what happened in the past. In the movie, the story switches from one point in time to another and doesn’t follow a pattern. (It was almost as if we were seeing a George R R Martin Book on screen. )

When we movie from one time period to another, the dialogue of character is used as a voice over for another scene, which makes links. It’s adds another level of complexity and meaning to movie.

The basic story of each character is that they all are fighting for freedom. The underlying message of Cloud Atlas is wonderful. There are other links in the movie too like all of the main characters have a comet birthmark.

The movie, as I mentioned before, is a bunch of other stories that shows how they reverberate and reshape each other. What was especially interesting was that the directors used same actors for different roles by putting silly make up on them.

While you play spot the actor under all that make up you realize that this could also be a story of reincarnation.

The strangest thing in this movie might just be Tom Hanks. He could be crazy for doing such a role. But the movie showcases his versatility. He plays stupid roles speaking in different accents. Also in Neo-Seoul, everyone looked like a non-Asian wearing masks.

But there was a lot to like about this movie. The production design for any of the sets was wonderful. There were some beautifully shot action sequences. The end was also very beautiful and powerful. The movie delivers a powerful message. The music in the movie was beautiful and so was the acting of most of the cast.

If you have enough patience to sit for a three-hour movie and if you are able to follow the complex story line, you would like the movie.

Nevertheless you should see this movie and form your own opinion about it.

Final Verdict:


The second trailer for Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:

Here’s the new teaser poster from Cine 1 for Robocop Reboot:


Kunal Kohli


Robin Bhatt


Kunal Kohli, Vicky Bahri, Sunil Lulla


Shahid Kapoor as Javed/Govind/Krish

Priyanka Chopra as Aradhana/Rukhsar/Radha

Prachi Desai as Maahi

Neha Sharma as Meera






I’ve got to stop going for such movies! I don’t think I have ever come out of a movie feeling like I want to kill my self (Except Agent Vinod!). It’s people like Kunal Kholi that should be arrested for Mental Toruture!. The tagline says ‘Thrice Upon a Love Story’. Fair Enough. I can understand the dumb tagline. The movie is about two people falling in love over the three different eras. It’s basically three love stories. The movie showcases three different love stories BUT NO STORY!!!!! I am dumbfounded! How can there be no story. Or did i miss it by any chance?

The acting was HORRIBLE! The worst acting I have ever seen. The songs were good. But the choreography was just disastrous.  The dance for ‘Humse Pyaar Karle Tu’ was just horrible! The only thing the song makes people realize is that they didn’t have itch guard in 1910. The dialogues were less than funny. The acting was horrible and no story!

I’m still wondering how could they make a movie without any point or aim! Seriously! The bollywood film industry has to make some decent movie. The only good movie was Kahaani. And other than that most of the movies were horrible.


Final Verdict:


Book related arguments have been going on for ages. The most recent one is whether a hard copy of a book is better than the digital copy. Every new device wants to be the next Kindle. But, lets face it, there’s nothing like an Amazon Kindle and the wide range of books on the Amazon Kindle store. Sorry iBooks, unlike the rest of Apple stuff you are far far far behind !

Here I’m wading into a  much older debate: Books vs Movies. Some people are book people while others are movie people. Book people prefer to read books and not watch movies. If you were to tell them that Toy Story is an animated movie, which is not just for kids, their go-to reply would be they don’t watch Cartoons .  Movie People, on the other hand, prefer to watch movies and the adaptations of the books. I’ve heard some people say that they’d rather not read the book as they’ll wait for the movie to release. If  they get a book as a gift, the’ll put away in a forgotten corner.

Me? I’m a book and a movie person 🙂 . The best of both worlds even if I say so myself.  I’d read the book and then watch the movie (For those movies, which are based on books).

Round 1:

Books provide  the reader with hours or days or even weeks of entertainment. Movies can be watched again and again, but you can’t watch it every time as if it was your first.  Thus, Books provide hours of entertainment. And the winner is… Books.

Round 2:

Books take a long time to be read. But movies are, at the most ,two and a half hours long. Movies can be finished in one shot and you dont need to bookmark it every time you stop. And the winner is… Movies.

Round 3:

When you read a book, your brain runs through various designs, scenes. You picture the scene of a book, you’d see the scene as you understand it from what is written. Movies have SFX. But, the SFX of the movies, is what is imagined by the director. A book opens your mind to a whole new world of imagination. Though the special effects in hollywood are getting more realistic than ever, nothing can beat the best graphics chip in the world.. your imagination. And the winner is… Books.

Round 4:

When books are adapted into movies, all the things you wanted aren’t usually there. What you had imagined the movie to be like, isn’t what you get when you see it. Thus, usually the books are better. But sometime, the movies are better. But a million other time the books are better. And the winner is… Books.

Round 5:

When you go for the first show of a movie, you’d want to experience it with the other people who are watching it for the first time. When we read books, we are transported to far off lands that we can only dream of. But when other people read the same book, they might read at a faster pace than us and may tell you what happens many pages ahead. But we don’t have that problem with movies. Because of the short duration of the movie, we are able to enjoy it with others, without it being ruined.

And the winner is… Movies

So after tallying Books got 3 wins and Movies got 2. So Books win by 1.

But it doesn’t matter for me. I cannot imagine a world where I go without books or movies.  Your vote ??

This is the first edition of this. It’s a collection of movie and TV Show news from 3oth April to 6th May.
1) The Avengers made 80.5 Million on its opening day in North America!
2) The Avengers beaks records by making 200.3 Million overall.
3) The new The Dark Knight Rises trailer arrives!!
Here’s the Trailer:
4) The New Prometheus Trailer also arrives!!
Here’s the trailer:
5) The new poster for The Amazing Spider-Man also arrives, with an Spider-man on the cover. It is accompanied by the new and rather good trailer!
Here’s the poster:
Here’s the trailer:
6)  The new Expendables 2 trailer arrives.
The Trailer:
7)  And Friday was Star Wars Day!!! May the fourth be with you!
8) The trailer for Beasts of the southern Wild too arrives.
9) Sofia Vergara and Amber Heard have joined the cast of Machete Kill directed by Robert Rodriguez.
10) Michael Biehn got te lead role in new thriller movie Treachery. The cast also includes: Jennifer Blanc Biehn, Sarah Butler, Caitlin Keats, Chris Meyer and Matthew Ziff.
11) Iron man’s director Jon Favreau gets a role in the new comedy Identity Theft. Jason Bateman plays a man whose identity is stolen by Melissa McCarthy‘s character. Favreau takes on the role of Bateman’s boss in the Seth Gordon directed comedy.
12)The Avengers ears an additional 440 million from theatres outside America.
13) The US version of The Avengers gets a  second Post Credit Scene!! ( Cheating Monkeys!!!)
14) Men in Black 3 gets a new poster!
Here’s the poster:
15) Hulk’s stand alone movie may be back on the cards. (Good or bad?)
17) A re-write of the script of the daredevil reboot has been ordered.
Seems like the movie is already in trouble.
18)Poltergeist may be remade with Sam Raimi directing it.
19) After Avatar 2 & 3, the 4th may also be made.
20) The Avengers DVD/ Blu Ray, will have 30 mins of deleted scenes.
21) Prometheus will be Rated R.
TV Show:
22) Game of Thrones is renewed for a 3rd Season!!!
23) Fringe is renewed for a 5th season, which would be the final season.
24) The trailer for the upcoming Tron Uprising debuts. It is an animated Sci-fi series, which takes place between Tron and Tron: Legacy.
Here’s the Trailer:
24) BBC commissions  a new three part Zombie Drama.
 25) The Walking Dead Season 3 airs on 2nd of December
New Reviews on the Blog:
 26) The Sitter Review
27) We Bought a Zoo Review
28) A Storm of Sword Part 1 Steel and Snow Book Review. 
29) Crank Book Review.
30) The Big Bang Theory S05E23 Review
31) Fringe S04E21 Review

Censorship is a major problem in India. The Central Board of Film Certification has ruined movies for all the Indian. They make unnecessary cuts in a movie. And on top of that they give it an [A] rating. Seriously!!! Why would they make it [A]?? Would it damage the very fragile minds of adults?

The Censor board is headed by idiots who have no clue as to what should be cut from movies. For example: the board had cut few minutes from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, they pointlessly cut a scene from the movie when, John Watson’s wife is pushed off the train by Sherlock and into the river, Mycroft picks her up. That scene had nothing explicit for it to be cut out of the movie.

I do not understand why, the Board makes cuts in an [A] movie and release it. If they are making it [A], shouldn’t it be left uncut. Whats damage can be done to the adults? I’d understand if they make cuts in movies and release it with a [U/A] rating, but leaving it [A] makes no sense. I’d be happy if they make a movie [A] without any cuts. At least other people can see the whole movie! But to make it [A] there has to be a some thing which is not meant for children.

And it is because of the same board that us Indians weren’t able to see David Fincher‘s ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo‘. They wanted to cut the scenes where Lisbeth is being abused by Bjurman, but if they do, there will be continuity issues for the upcoming sequels. Also they gave Sherlock Holmes (the first one) an [A] rating but every where else  in the world it was given [U/A] rating. And that was only because it had black magic. Thats no reason to give it an [A] rating. Also they did the same for X-Men: The Last Stand. It was given an [A] rating in India  because it ha scenes of people being disintegrated.

Same goes for TV shows. So many scenes have been cut from the TV Shows and some of the word are also bleeped out. This ruins the episode.

Heres a video of the lines of movies which are edited for TV:

Here are some pictures of whats been edited out of the movies:

Agneepath (Hindi):

Agent Vinod (Hindi):

Three (Tamil):

These pictures and videos given above are example of how scenes have been cut from movies for no reason.



Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman


Oren Peli, Jason Blum, Steven Schneider & Akiva Goldsman


Chris Smith as Dennis

Lauren Bittner as Julie

Chloe Csengery as Katie

Jessica Tyler Brown as Kristi

Hallie Foote as Grandma Lois

Dustin Ingram as Randy Rosen

Johanna Braddy as Lisa

Brian Boland as Daniel

Katie Featherston as Adult Katie

Sprague Grayden as Adult Kristi

Based on characters created by Oren Peli.


In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.It serves as a prequel to the Paranormal Activity series.


The movie is much better than I expected it to be. I was hoping it to be a repetition of the first two movies. The acting was also awesome. By using the old cameras the horror action was brought closer to the ground.

The start of the movie, where the adult Katie and Kristi find some tapes. Then the real movie starts. The supernatural element is very interesting in this movie. The best part of the movie is when all the furniture and the utensils in the kitchen of Katie and Kristi fell from the ceiling of the house. Also when Dennis finds those creepy women in the room. And also when Katie’s face turns into some ghostly thing..

The movie is otherwise good. But it coud have been better.

Final Verdict:

Good movie.. 6/10

Ripley: [voiceover] My mommy always said there were no monsters. No real ones. But there are.


Jean-Pierre Jeunet


Gordon Carroll, David GilerWalter Hill & Bill Badalato


Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley

Dan Hedaya as General Perez

J. E. Freeman as Dr. Wren

Brad Dourif as Dr. Gediman

Raymond Cruz as DiStefano

Michael Wincott as Frank Elgyn

Kim Flowers as Sabra Hillard

Gary Dourdan as Christie

Ron Perlman as Johner

Dominique Pinon as Vriess

Leland Orser as Purvis

Tom Woodruff, Jr. as the lead Alien.


John Frizzell


200 years after the conclusion of Alien 3, the company is able to resurrect Ripley through the process of cloning and the scientists successfully take the Queen Alien out of her. But, Ripley’s DNA gets mixed up with the Queen’s and she begins to develop certain alien characteristics. The scientists begin breeding the aliens, but they later escape. Soon the Xeno-morphs are running amok on the ship, which is on course to earth. The Queen then gives birth to a deadly new breed of alien, which could spell disaster for the entire human race. It’s up to Ripley and a band of space pirates to stop the ship before it reaches earth.


The movie is a bit too cartoonish for my taste. But nevertheless its enjoyable. There are many factual errors in the movie: In the end when Ripley throws her blood at the glass in the space ship, the hole is too small to cause a suction effect.

The story is written by Joss Whedon, but not all of it is used. The acting was good too.

Final Verdict:

An enjoyable movie. 6.5/10..

My review for the other Alien movies: Alien, Aliens & Alien 3

“In space, no one can hear you scream”


Ridley Scott


Gordon Carroll, David Giler & Walter Hill


Tom Skerrit as Dallas

Sigourney Weaver as Ripley

Veronica Cartwright as Lampbert

Harry Dean Stanton as Brett

John Hurt as Kane

Ian Holm as Ash

Yaphet Kotto as Parker

Bolaji Badejo as Alien


Jerry Goldsmith


A mining ship, investigating a suspected SOS, lands on a distant planet. The crew discovers some strange creatures and investigates.


What a movie!

Did not expect it to be so good. The visual effects and the Alien and ts accompanying elements designed by H.R. Geiger was just magnificent.

This movie is a perfect blend of Science Fiction and Horror. There have been many movies of homicidal Aliens running about targeting a group people. This movie stands out. This is a truly wonderful movie with “The Sci-Fi Queen” Sigourney Weaver in the lead role. In those days no one would have expected Sigourney to be playing the lead.

The other actors also acted very well. The story was also well written. The movie keeps the audience on their toes. That’s because the alien attacks from any where. The end was awesome when the alien is in the escape pod. I thought that after throwing the cat, it would have left the escape pod. This is a true classic Sci-fi movie.

If you love horror and sci-fi then this is the movie for you!

Final Verdict: 


**Note: I have planned to watch the whole Alien Anthology in one day i.e. 14th April 2012. The  reviews may arrive late.. 🙂