

George R. R. Martin


Voyager Books (UK), Bantam Spectra (US)


A Feast for Crows, isn’t one of Martin’s greatest books in A Song of Ice and Fire Series. It is actually one of the worst. I was disappointed with this book. I’m very sad to say that finishing this books was a task. The cover of the book says ” Insomnia Inflicting,” this statement is true in a way. I was up all night trying very hard to finish it, but I had this thought eating at me that- Why would Martin do this? Why would he publish this book without his major character?

The only good part in this book was the last few chapters. Where some fast paced action and some very surprising decisions are made, which potentially changes the main premise. For example, Cat i.e Arya, goes blind at the end. Cersei, finally gets Margery and her cousins in to custody. But she also gets what’s coming to her. She too has to answer for her crimes. The Last two Brienne chapters were very good too. Especially where, she meets Catelyn again and Catelyn asks her to choose. Either she kills Jamie or she gets hung. The cliffhanger (pun intended) of that was also very good. Jamie also makes a very smart decision of ignoring his sister. She sends him a letter asking him to help her, but after him being insulted and treated badly, he ignores her request. Sam is now stuck with the Archmaester. And finally my favorite house words come true. The Starks house words are ‘Winter is Coming!’ and finally it has come true.

Dance with Dragons also has a parallel story line, which features Dany and everyone who is interesting. Martin has split this story into two halves. That was a terrible idea. At the end of this story winter has finally arrived. If they had kept it as one book and merely split into two books like A Storm of Swords, then probably, this would have been better. And at the end of the second part, winter would have arrived and that would have made Winds of Winter a more fun book..

Final Verdict:
