Archives for posts with tag: Deadpool


Cullen Bunn


 Dalibor Talajic


It just gets worse doesn’t it? This is exactly as IGN described- “it has words and pictures” but in no way is it worth reading. This comic has been consistently disappointing. The first issue was fun, the second issue was bad and the third was even worse.

This is a book, which was completely spoiled for the readers by the title itself. We know whats going to happen, but then why are we reading it you might ask? We geeks read it because we can, and because we hope that something or the other in this series will surprise us. But my hopes for some kind of surprise were dashed. There we kills in this, there were X-Men who die, all of this is true, but the problem is that it all happened off screen. They all died when we were reading or probably they killed them selves after reading this series.

But, on the bright side, Dalibor Talajic’s artistic skills have become beter since the last issue. That’s the only good thing about this.

Final Verdict:




Cullen Bunn


Dalibor Talajic


Looking at the first issue, one would expect the second issue to be as good as the one before, but this issue sadly failed to deliver. When they gave the title of “Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe”, did they also include the readers? ‘Cause this comic was so boring that it’s killing me.

We were introduced to the newly maddened Deadpool in the previous issue. This issue, I’d expected some justification for the killings or something of such sort, but I got nothing. We know whats going to happen in this comic from the title itself, but what we want is something more interesting. The soliloquies of Deadpool are less than interesting. They don’t provide any information into the character. What I liked was the commentary on how Deadpool is being used as a character. This issue wasn’t too good. The story was badly written. And some of the scenes, the emotions of the characters looked melodramatic and they looked posed. I’m all up for killing Spiderman and getting rid of him as I don’t like him, but they could have made it little more interesting.

Final Verdict:



Cullen Bunn


Dalibor Talajic


Evil Deadpool is back! And he is awesome. The concept of evil Deadpool isn’t new, but Cullen Bunn reboots it and lends an air of madness to him.

We start off by seeing a bald man who kind reminds me of Pyat Pree form Game of Thrones, called The Watcher. He gives us info as to how it started, and why he was killing The Fantastic Four. Reed was dying in the hands of Sue and Johnny was being murdered. And just when you think they have gone and ruined what could’ve been a very awesome series, they blow you away!

We see a flashback where, Deadpool is brought to a meantal facility and he undergoes some tests. Where the doctor turns out to be Psycho Man’s robot with Psycho inside him. He causes Deadpool to momentarily fall uder his control, but he breaks out of it. He comes out of the trance madder and with the urge to kill the marvel universe. We also see that he kills The Watcher in the end.

This is an awesome series where Deadpool has gone mad. The end brings out all of his madness but is still believable. This issue has some comedic elements to it, but it just enhances the madness of Deadpool. Dalibor helps sell his madness to us through his artwork in the issue. This seems to follow in the footsteps of AVX and of Kill Bill. This also has a good deal of brutality in it too (thus the extra parental advisory given on the cover).

Final Verdict:
