Seth: Let me explain the house rules. Follow the rules, we’ll get along like a house on fire. Rule number one: No noise, no questions. You make a noise… [holds up gun] Mr. .44 makes a noise. You ask a question, Mr. 44 answers it.


Robert Rodriguez


Gianni Nunnari, Meir Teper


George Clooney as Seth Gecko

Quentin Tarantino as Richie Gecko

Harvey Keitel as Jacob Fuller

Juliette Lewis as Kate Fuller

Ernest Liu as Scott Fuller

Salma Hayek as Satánico Pandemonium

Cheech Marin as Border Guard / Chet Pussy / Carlos

Danny Trejo as Razor Charlie

Tom Savini as Sex Machine

Fred Williamson as Frost

Michael Parks as Texas Ranger Earl McGraw


Two criminals and their hostages unknowingly seek temporary refuge in an establishment populated by vampires, with chaotic results.


This is the last ‘Midnight Feature’. Technically, its Post- Midnight Feature as I saw this at 2:00 AM.. The movie is written by Quentin and directed by Robert Rodriguez, both of whom worked on Grindhouse which I saw before this one. The movie was brilliant.

It had just the right amount of Slapstick Comedy and horror. It was also a cheap horror movie. It’s nice to see that English Cheap Horror movies are better than the hindi ones.

Final Verdict:
