
Kelly Sue DeConnick



Emma Rios


Well, just when you think that a comic can not do any better, Kelly Sue and her Captain Marvel series just surprises you.. This issue is a work of art.. No, truly a work of ART!! Kelly Sue DeConnick is just wonderful. Whatever I say about her is not enough. The dialogue, the story, the art……… SO AWESOME! There’s nothing to hate in this issue.

This one is all about Helen Cobb and Carol Danvers. You don’t see much of Captain Marvel in this issue- but you know what, I don’t care. The issue is funny; the story is good and heartfelt. I feel that this is one of those unique series’ that Marvel should be proud of. It’s good that they let Kelly do her magic and make this one of my favorite Comic. I look forward to this, every month only because of her.

The artwork is also brilliant! This issue has one of the best artwork! This is also the best issue. Emma Rios is so awesome. The cover art was also fantastic. I really want to give a standing ovation to the team for such a wonderful comic!

Final Verdict:
