Archives for posts with tag: Amazing Spider-Man



Jason Aaron


Adam Kubert




Only 3 more to go…

Avengers vs. X-Men, gets better with every issue. The Story is so intense and the artistry is so beautiful. The characters are so awesome. I’d almost hate to see it go in 3 issues. This is by far one of the best mini series events, I’ve ever read.

By the cover of this issue, it is evident that something is going to happen to Spidey. I’ve never liked Spider-man as a super hero. He makes too many jokes and at the wrong times. He always seems to be happy. The only time I’ve seen him show some real emotions is in The Amazing Spider-Man #120 and #121, where he looses Gwen Stacy to Green Goblin.

This issue has a good balance of drama and story.  We know that the majority of Cap Am’s Avengers are in captivity of the Phoenix Five (Technically 4, as Namor is out). They have captured Thor too. This issue mainly focuses on Spidey. He talks about how some of the Avengers never return. That was a very sad scene. Then Once they go to get Thor back, there is a very awesome fight scene between Colossus with his sister and Spidey, this happens due to Spidey sacrificing himself for the team. And this scene made me love Spider man again. While fighting with them, he provokes Colossus to fight his sister. And in the end they take them selves out, and Cap brings Spider-Man back through the portal and Cyclops comes to take Hope back ‘home’

Kubert gives us some wonderfully detailed artwork. Jason knows how to use Kubert to his advantage. The scene where Colossus and Emma meet in the desert was just beautiful.

Final Verdict:



Marc Webb


Avi AradLaura Ziskin, Matt Tolmach


Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard

Denis Leary as Captain George Stacy

Martin Sheen as Ben Parker

Sally Field as May Parker

And  Stan Lee has his cameo appearance!



James Horner

Based on The Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko


Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father’s former partner.


Let me start by saying that the new spider-man was truly amazing. And who better to direct the reboot of the spidey series that Marc WEBB. A spider-man movie being directed by a person with last name Webb! The story was great. It was a slightly darker take on the spider-man story. In this, we get to see Peter’s parents. Which was missed in the Tobey Maguire one.

The movie starts off with Peter being left by his parents with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Through out the movie, there is a question looming- Why did they leave? And after the end we have another question looming– Who are Richard and Mary Parker. But of course those who read the comics and know the fictional history of spider man, know the answer to that question. They were recruited by Nick Fury to be in the C.I.A.

The bad part in the movie was that, Uncle Ben never said ‘With great power, there must also come great responsibility’ (Amazing Fantasy #15). And the way he dies was also completely different. In the comics, he dies due to a burglar in their house. And he dies in the hands of his wife. But in this he dies due to a thief from the department store. The movie had a lot to like. The acting, Emma Stone, the story and the absence of Tobey Maguire. Tobey, throughout his role as Peter Parker, he looked as if he was going to cry any second. The other thing I liked about this film was that Peter Parker didn’t just suddenly become Spider-man. It took him half the movie to do so. That was an awesome decision. They got a chance to explore Peter Parker in general before going into Spider-man. But sadly the suit wasn’t too good looking. On the bright side, The Lizard looked awesome! He had that scariness, which was missed in the other movies. I didn’t understand Irfan Khan’s role in the movie, and what happened to him after the bridge incident? Did he just disappear in thin air?

The end of the movie was awesome and the actions scenes were nicely directed. We actually see that Spider-Man requires the help of the common people. He is still grounded. He doesn’t think of him self as greater than others. And we see that he is not bullet proof either. All in all the movie was great. I had fun watching it. It was so much better than the Sam Raimi ones.

But sadly we all know that Gwen Stacy dies at the hands of the Green Goblin. The good thing abou this movie was that they started with the first villain in the series i.e. Lizard.


Final  Verdict:


This is the first edition of this. It’s a collection of movie and TV Show news from 3oth April to 6th May.
1) The Avengers made 80.5 Million on its opening day in North America!
2) The Avengers beaks records by making 200.3 Million overall.
3) The new The Dark Knight Rises trailer arrives!!
Here’s the Trailer:
4) The New Prometheus Trailer also arrives!!
Here’s the trailer:
5) The new poster for The Amazing Spider-Man also arrives, with an Spider-man on the cover. It is accompanied by the new and rather good trailer!
Here’s the poster:
Here’s the trailer:
6)  The new Expendables 2 trailer arrives.
The Trailer:
7)  And Friday was Star Wars Day!!! May the fourth be with you!
8) The trailer for Beasts of the southern Wild too arrives.
9) Sofia Vergara and Amber Heard have joined the cast of Machete Kill directed by Robert Rodriguez.
10) Michael Biehn got te lead role in new thriller movie Treachery. The cast also includes: Jennifer Blanc Biehn, Sarah Butler, Caitlin Keats, Chris Meyer and Matthew Ziff.
11) Iron man’s director Jon Favreau gets a role in the new comedy Identity Theft. Jason Bateman plays a man whose identity is stolen by Melissa McCarthy‘s character. Favreau takes on the role of Bateman’s boss in the Seth Gordon directed comedy.
12)The Avengers ears an additional 440 million from theatres outside America.
13) The US version of The Avengers gets a  second Post Credit Scene!! ( Cheating Monkeys!!!)
14) Men in Black 3 gets a new poster!
Here’s the poster:
15) Hulk’s stand alone movie may be back on the cards. (Good or bad?)
17) A re-write of the script of the daredevil reboot has been ordered.
Seems like the movie is already in trouble.
18)Poltergeist may be remade with Sam Raimi directing it.
19) After Avatar 2 & 3, the 4th may also be made.
20) The Avengers DVD/ Blu Ray, will have 30 mins of deleted scenes.
21) Prometheus will be Rated R.
TV Show:
22) Game of Thrones is renewed for a 3rd Season!!!
23) Fringe is renewed for a 5th season, which would be the final season.
24) The trailer for the upcoming Tron Uprising debuts. It is an animated Sci-fi series, which takes place between Tron and Tron: Legacy.
Here’s the Trailer:
24) BBC commissions  a new three part Zombie Drama.
 25) The Walking Dead Season 3 airs on 2nd of December
New Reviews on the Blog:
 26) The Sitter Review
27) We Bought a Zoo Review
28) A Storm of Sword Part 1 Steel and Snow Book Review. 
29) Crank Book Review.
30) The Big Bang Theory S05E23 Review
31) Fringe S04E21 Review