Archives for posts with tag: Alan Moore

I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS IS MY 200th POST.  THIS WILL BE A REVIEW OF THE EPIC GRAPHIC NOVEL ‘Watchmen‘. My 100th post was just few months ago on March 30th 2012. Roughly 3 months later, its time for my 200th post. I’m really excited about this one….. But first here are  the posters that my friend made to commemorate the 2ooth post of Galactica!

These are some awesome posters. Hope you all like them:

I’m happy to present to you my 200th post.. Watchmen Review

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchmen?)


Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons


Alan Moore


Dave Gibbons


John Higgins


Watchmen was an epic Graphic Novel created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons in 1986. It consisted of 12 issues and ended in1987. This comic was the Hugo Award and Eisner Award. I bought this book in 2006. And it was this book that got me into reading comics. So I felt that such a masterpiece must be reviewed on my blog. So on the special ocassion of my 200th post, I review Watchmen.

This is truly such a wonderful series of comics. The characters are so beautiful and they have their own personality. There was o part in this comic where I felt that it was getting boring. Or it was dragging. I was engaged in the plot throughout. And I finished it in a day and a half. This I’m reading for the third or fourth time. The plot was also ingenius. The quotes that come at the end of the comic was also a nice touch. Also something that I noticed when I first read the comic was that, in Chapter V or issue #5, you see that ‘Fearful Symmetry’ is written. After that, in the whole Chapter, you’d notice that the panels are in symmetry. In one place towards the end of the chapter, you’d notice the alternating color tint in the panels. All of this is due to dedication to ones work. And the artist has done a great job in portraying the characters and the dialogues were nicely written. Throughout the story, at the end of a chapter you see the hands of a clock slowly moving toward 12 O’clock. This actually reminds me of one time where me and my cousin were discussing about Watchmen. We were on the topic of the theory that the world will end when the clock strikes twelve. When we checked out watches it was 11:55 exactly. And after that we discussed about watchmen till very late in the night.

Thus Watchmen is one of the best works of fiction I have ever read. And what ever awards it got, it deserves more. Alan Moore is a genius when it comes to delivering quality product to the audience. He, in may opinion, did the right thing by not writing the prequel to Watchmen. In my opinion, let the other authors do the job. Any way the comics do not live up to the high standards set by Watchmen.

Final Verdict:


This is my first attempt at a review of a comic book. So, it may not be good.. But it will get better soon!

Watchmen‘ was a comic book, created by writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons and colorist John Higgns. It was a twelve issue miniseries published by DC Comics during 1986 and 1987. This series changed the way comic books were started. It was an awesome series. And it this series that got me started into comics. It seems only fitting that, I start my first review of my Comic section with its prequel ‘Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre‘. Thus here goes my first attempt at a comic book review-




Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner.


Amanda Conner


Silk Spectre #1 is good. The trouble with this one is the dialogue itself. Most of the interesting things happen only through the actions and not the dialogue. The starting scene where Sally lies to Laurie about her father. In this, the scene just shift. But what happens between that scene and the next, is told by flash backs, which just jump backward and forward in time without warning.

The artwork in this comic was very good! The whole story was nicely written. It was a good follow up to The Minutemen #1 of last week. Amanda Conner’s attention to detail, is commendable. She has drawn even  the objects in the fridge. She is truly talented!

Final Verdict:
