Archives for category: Romantic

Clare: It’s hard being left behind. I wait for Henry, not knowing where he is, wondering if he’s okay. It’s hard to be the one who stays.


Audrey Niffenegger




It is a love story about a man with a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel unpredictably, and about his wife, an artist, who has to cope with his frequent absences and dangerous experiences.


The Time Traveller’s Wife, has such beautiful story and a very sad ending. The book, in its entirety was just marvellous. I enjoyed reading this books. Niffenegger has done a wonderful job for her debut novel. The story is apparently a metaphor for her relationship which didn’t work out.

Henry meets Clare for the first time when he is 28 and she is 20. While Clare, meets Henry for the first time when she was 6 and he was 36. He is a time traveller. He has this genetic disorder which causes him to time travel involuntarily. He meets her at various points in her childhood and they have fun together. She falls in love with the man who mysteriously appears in the meadow, naked. This book is about many things, but mainly Time Travel, love and most of all the relationship between a time traveller and his partner. She has this unique perspective on time travel and she has captured the essence of their relationship. The characters were beautifully constructed. The end was the most beautiful part of the book. You knew what was going to happen, but it still surprises you.

The relationship between Henry and Clare was so wonderful. They were created for each other. Clare is a bit one-dimensional while Henry is the man out of time. They have other qualities about them by which they are defined. It is these qualities that make them perfect for one another. Niffenegger has provided depth to the characters, which only enhances the beauty of the book.

The narrative jumps form the present to the past and to the future and back to the present. She shows how the his past present and future intertwines with that of Clare’s.

There are certain flaws in the novel. One, it is a bit too long and especially in the second half, there are too many events that the reader has to remember and there are  too many characters. The premise itself has some flaws, but this novel was a wonderful debut for the author.

An enjoyable read, just wish it was slightly shorter and there were less events and characters.

Final Verdict:


“Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.”


F. Scott Fitzgerald


Charles Scribner’s Sons

Published on:

April 10, 1925


When people say that a book is a classic, you’d expect something great out of that book. I was told that The Great Gatsby was a classic novel, this was one of the reason I read this book. The second reason was that a movie adaptation of this was coming end of this year with Leonardo DiCaprio playing the role of Gatsby. I started reading this book expecting this to blow me away. But I was sadly disappointed with it.

The book had an irregular narrative. It skipped from one point of time to another. The story was presented haphazardly in the book. The writing wasn’t very good. I know that this is a classic, but I think that I would have appreciated it more if i had read it when it was released in 1925.

All in all the book was quite boring. It was a task for me to finish it.

Final Verdict:
