
Mark Cendrowski

Guest Cast:

Will Wheaton as himself

Le Var Burton as himself


Will Wheaton returns to the show as a guest on Sheldon’s Fun with Flags. Amy directs the episode on Fun with Flags, due to which there’s friction between Amy and Will. Sheldon, being the clueless man he is, asks Amy to leave. This leads to conflict between Sheldon and Amy.

On the other hand, Howard finds it difficult to leave his mothers house and when he does, Bernadette   takes him back due to a story, which he tells her. She claims, “No husband of mine will break his mother’s heart”.

This episode, though it was the most watched, was not one of the shows best. Sheldon/Amy fight was amusing, but it drew only a chuckle from me. The highlight of the episode is when he goes to Penny for relationship advice and she gives him Long Island Iced Tea, which leads to him becoming drunk. And we all know how fun Drunk Sheldon can be. His Mad Hatter dialogue was the best of the show.

The episode established continuity by bringing back Sheldon’s web show. I have found that the episodes featuring Will Wheaton aren’t the best. This is also the second episode in a row to feature one (or rather two ) of Sheldon’s celebrity guests.

The Howard/Bernadette story wasn’t that funny either. It was an under-developed B-Plot. One story about he doing magic tricks for his mother leading to both coming back under the same roof? This episode didn’t feature Raj or Leonard. Raj is usually there for comic relief, but this episode the position went to Penny.

The second highlight of the episode was the LeVar Burton cameo at the end. His previous cameo was in the episode “The Toast Derivation”. Season 6 has been uneven so far and not the shoes brightest hour. I just pray that the series gets better. This is one of my favorite series on TV right now, I just hate to see it cancelled.

Final Verdict:
