
Cullen Bunn


 Dalibor Talajic


It just gets worse doesn’t it? This is exactly as IGN described- “it has words and pictures” but in no way is it worth reading. This comic has been consistently disappointing. The first issue was fun, the second issue was bad and the third was even worse.

This is a book, which was completely spoiled for the readers by the title itself. We know whats going to happen, but then why are we reading it you might ask? We geeks read it because we can, and because we hope that something or the other in this series will surprise us. But my hopes for some kind of surprise were dashed. There we kills in this, there were X-Men who die, all of this is true, but the problem is that it all happened off screen. They all died when we were reading or probably they killed them selves after reading this series.

But, on the bright side, Dalibor Talajic’s artistic skills have become beter since the last issue. That’s the only good thing about this.

Final Verdict:
