
Ellen Hopkins


Margaret K. McElderry Books


Crank. Glass. Ice. Crystal. Whatever you call it, it’s all the same: a monster. And once it’s got hold of you, this monster will never let you go.

Kristina thinks she can control it. Now with a baby to care for, she’s determined to be the one deciding when and how much, the one calling the shots. But the monster is too strong, and before she knows it, Kristina is back in its grips. She needs the monster to keep going, to face the pressures of day-to-day life. She needs it to feel alive.

Once again the monster takes over Kristina’s life and she will do anything for it, including giving up the one person who gives her the unconditional love she craves — her baby.


After reading Crank, I was desperate to read Glass. I really wanted to know what happens Kristina. I finally had to buy on Kindle in July. It was a pretty good book. This book, deals with Kristina’s trouble with the monster Crank. She also has to take care of her son Hunter. It is during this time, that she starts using again. She thinks that no one knows that she is using again. Somewhere through the book, we get hints that her mother and Scott know that she is using again. She also falls in love with the dealer Trey.

She is one day left alone to take care of Hunter. At that time, Hunter rolls under the sofa and is crying his lungs out, and Kristina is sleeping and doesn’t wake up. This was the last straw, and she was kicked out of the house. She goes to live with the Brad, Trey’s brother. Eventually, she is forced to move out of that house too. She finally lives in a motel, and ends up marrying Trey.

I found that this book was dragging and got quite boring at a point. I felt that Ellen was dragging the book to 630 pages. She could have easily finished it in 300. She dragged in some unnecessary events and characters into the book, which adds to the pages. The poems also got quite mundane as it went on. The type of poems or the way the poems were written seemed to be repeated.

This book doesn’t encourage me to read the next book in the series  “Fallout”.  This book was pretty good. it had a good plot, though it was boring at times.

Final Verdict:
