“Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.”


F. Scott Fitzgerald


Charles Scribner’s Sons

Published on:

April 10, 1925


When people say that a book is a classic, you’d expect something great out of that book. I was told that The Great Gatsby was a classic novel, this was one of the reason I read this book. The second reason was that a movie adaptation of this was coming end of this year with Leonardo DiCaprio playing the role of Gatsby. I started reading this book expecting this to blow me away. But I was sadly disappointed with it.

The book had an irregular narrative. It skipped from one point of time to another. The story was presented haphazardly in the book. The writing wasn’t very good. I know that this is a classic, but I think that I would have appreciated it more if i had read it when it was released in 1925.

All in all the book was quite boring. It was a task for me to finish it.

Final Verdict:
