The Legend of Korra Book 1- Air Episode 11-12 “Skeletons in the Closet” & “Endgame”


Joaquim Dos Santos & Ki Hyun Ryu


Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko


What an awesome season finale. The orignal Avatar was awesome. And this series lives up to the high expectations set by its predecessor. The episode was nicely written and the story was just awesome. Many things were revealed in this episode. We finally got to know the identity of Amaan. Who turns out to be Tarlok’s brother Noatak. This information, they get from Tarlok himself, who is being held captive by Amaan.   Also Ihro, arrives, who is the grand-son of Zuko. Korra, saves Ihro when his whole fleet of ships is destroyes by Equalists’ mines in the water. After which, he is taken to their hiding place. There they send a message to Bumi, Tenzin’s brother, they they may be ambushed. Then the Avatar sneaks in to the rally and tells everyone about Amaan’s true identity. Then she finds out that he has Tenzin and his family captive and he is going to take away his bending. She attacks him and then, Amaan and Korra have a duel. And in that, her bending is taken away. Mako, attacks Amaan and he runs wth her. She then realises that she can only air bend now. This was such an awesome scene.

Throughout that scene, i was telling my self that the avatar will ger her bending back! And is was hundred percent sure that no one can take an avatar’s bending. But as the story progressed I lost all hope that Korra would be able to bend the other elements, other than Air. But in that end, the best scene in the season,  Avatar Aang appears and returns her bending. And then she returns Baifung’s bending too.  In another scene, Amaan and Tarlok have run away from Republic city. And Tarlock, blows the whole boat up!.

Now after this episode got over, I was thinking to my self ‘Now What?’. By that I mean what will be the story for Book 2. Will some new enemy pop up? Or will it still be Amaan? Did he escape the explosion? The previous series had the Phoenix King as the protagonist. And in this the Protagonist was Amaan. So who is there for season 2? All of this we’d get to know only once Book 2 starts to air.

Final Verdict:
