
Brian Bandis


Sara Pichelli


This comic combines Marvel 616 and the Ultimate Universes. Something they said that would never happen. The cover art was a spoiler for the readers.  It starts of with Peter Parker, giving a monologue about why he loves New York. His dialogues are also funny. Brian Bendis’ dialogues are very good but the plot was predictable. The cliffhanger at the end was not as surprising as it was expected to be. The artist Sara Pichelli has done an awesome job with the scenes. It’s her awesomeness that enhances the dialogue of Benids.

A nice touch by Bendis was that he changed the font when Spider Man enters the Ultimate Universe.

Issue #1 doesn’t jump directly into the story, but this is just the first step to what might be an awesome series. It also is a good start for those who haven’t read any of the Spider-man series.

 Final Verdict:
