Tron: Uprising Season 1 Episode 3 “The Renegade Part- 3”


While Mara works with Zed to get the Chief’s rare bike back, Beck must figure out a way to release his friend from a death sentence and allow the resistance to begin again with recruiting.


The third episode of the season is a connected to the previous, where, Cutler and Beck, fight against each other. The fight scene was good, and then Cutler forfeits the game. And Beck is released, while Cutler is taken to be de-rezzed. I though at this moment, that the Beck-Cutler duo was lost which would be stupid, as their duo was awesome. But later in the show we see Beck going to rescue Cutler. And we get to the Light-Boat!! How cool are they? And Tron also comes and rescues them. First time in the show, Tron gets in on the action.

The Mara and Zed sub-plot was also interesting. They try and get Able’s rare light cycle back. Perl, tries to sell it. When Zed if found trying to take back the bike, and Perl tells everyone how pathetic he is and Mara punches her in the face. And then they get the cycle back. There we also see Beck, with his new suit (Which is AWESOME!) and there he again fight paige, who has potential to be a great character.

All in all, the entire episode was good with some awesome chase sequences and fight scenes. And we also saw some new light-transport.

Final Verdict:
