Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 9 “Blackwater”

Director: Neil Marshall

Writer: George R. R. Martin


Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis’ fleet attacks Blackwater Bay. King’s Landing becomes the stage of the most decisive battle of the War of the Five Kings.


WOW! ‘Blackwater’ is an amazingly written and directed episode. When the writer for the episode is same person who wrote the book on which the series is based on, what else would one expect. This episode has the fewest cast members. Only 10-11 out of 25. It features only- Tyrion, Joffery, Cersei, Sansa, Shae, Bronn, The Hound, Tywin, Varys, Stannis and Davos.

The battle scene was just amazing. It reminded me of Lord of the Rings’ Battle at Helms Deep, but on a toned down level. Tyrion showed leadership skills and bravery. When he said ‘Rain fire on them’ I was hoping they’d play Adele’s ‘Set Fire to the Rain’, but that would have ruined the feel of the episode. Coming back to the point, Tyrion delivered an encouraging speech to the soldiers.He said that if he was half a man, what does that make you. That was one of the funniest lines in the movie. And after they started shouting ‘Halfman! Halfman!’.

The first 20-30 mins of the episode, there isn’t any battle, theres nervousness and tension in the air. But that builds up to a great battle which looks pretty real, though the ships and the harbor is clearly CGI, it looks pretty real. The battle was also as I had expected it to look like. There were soldiers hacking of the enemies, slicing the head off, doing a nice Kill Bill slicing of the brain and bodies being cut in half. A Song of Ice and Fire contains over-the-top violent scenes and the violent scenes in this episode did justice to it.

Just when you think that all is lost for Tyrion and the gang, a mysterious man on a white horse rides up and saves everyone. And Tyrion gets slashed on his face with a sword. Cersei, shows some actual affection for her son and tries to console him. She also gets drunk on wine. Her chat with Sansa is also one of the best parts of the episode.

The above picture is of Bronn shooting the arrow of fire to blast the ships. This scene reminds me of Hawkeye from The Avengers.

And in the end, Tywin comes in and proclaims that they have won. This was an awesome penultimate episode. The end credits had a nice song playing which is from the book. It’s called “The Rains of Castamere” which is in the book and talk about Tyrion’s victory. I just with the series was 12-13 episodes instead of 10. But I believe that their budget would not allow it. And with such elaborate sets and costumes and the battle scenes, their budget has to be very large to support it.

Final Verdict:
